
Debate Info

Serves him right! No! How could you say that?
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Serves him right! (4)
 No! How could you say that? (7)

Debate Creator

Troy8(2417) pic

Do you want Glenn Beck to go blind?

Glenn Beck has stated he might go blind because of an eye condition called macular dystrophy.

Serves him right!

Side Score: 6

No! How could you say that?

Side Score: 10

I want Glenn Beck to go blind. Then I want him to go deaf and lose his sense of smell and taste. Then I want him to take back every stupid fucking thing he's ever said before he loses his ability to speak. Then, he will lose his ability to breathe after I throw him off a bridge with his hands and feet tied.

Side: Serves him right!
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

Hmmm...well that's not very nice.. .

Side: No! How could you say that?

Tell me again about this spirituality of yours ;)

Side: Serves him right!
1 point

Someone has a real hostility problem and needs to relax. Seriously, what has he DONE PERSONALLY to you to cause such hatred, particularly that you want him to go blind, deaf, no smell or taste and kill him.

I know that I have said things about Obama, but I never wish harm or death upon him.

Side: No! How could you say that?

I know you're now going to make fun of me as an idiot, but I meant to dispute your argument, and then accidentally supported it, so I had to post it twice, so...yeah. Look below...

Side: Serves him right!
1 point

I guess you're right. Maybe not death. But blindness? Totally. He's just so fucking stupid and ignorant and such a fucking insensitive idiot. Let me remind you of some of his wisdom...

"When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." "You know, I don't know about you, but it took me about a year to start hating 9/11 victim families...took me about a year."

"I think I could look Michael Moore in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out of him."

Asked Keith Ellison, our first Muslim congressman, "Prove to me that you're not working with our enemies"

Said of President Obama: "He's a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people...the guy is, I believe, a racist."


Side: No! How could you say that?
2 points

Wishing harm onto someone who you disagree with comes from a very emotional and irrational sense in the personality.

I wish harm on no one unless they inflict harm unto others. People hate Glenn Beck for what he says... and? I hope to piss a lot of people off in my future, I wouldn't want the power of hope to cause me to go blind.

Side: No! How could you say that?
1 point

I don't like Glenn Beck but I'm not gonna wish someone harm just because we think differently.

Side: No! How could you say that?