
Debate Info

Si. No.
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Si. (10)
 No. (3)

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jolie(9809) pic

Do you want a taco truck on every corner?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 3
2 points

si si, better than having a mosque at every corner (like they do in UK).

Side: Si.
1 point

Sounds logical to me ;)

Side: Si.
1 point

We really need Trump to become president. That way we will get 4 years worth of material ;)

Side: Si.
jolie(9809) Clarified
1 point

Hillary is not funny.

Side: Si.
1 point

I like a good fresh taco but it does not have to come from a truck

Side: Si.
1 point

I would support that business every day. I would eat lunch there.

Side: Si.
1 point

Well, they have to be licensed, they have to pay taxes, their NOT on the unemployment list, and they would create FAR more jobs than the "Do Nothing Congress"! Capitalism as it SHOULD be! I can't see anyone in politics ... except Trump and a certain Arizona Sheriff, objecting.

Edit: Oops, I meant "THEY'RE" not on unemployment.

Side: Si.
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

GDP at 1.1 percent annual growth. Jobs report 151,000 jobs added in August. Democrat it has nothing to do with Congress and all to do with the polices implemented by Obama. Progressives don't want any job growth and how entertaining is it that Progressives like yourself continue to play a blame game. Your president is a failure you just can't admit to it.

Side: No.
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Hold here just a minute Hillary said corporations and businesses don't create jobs. You are disputing the words of Hillary ?

Side: No.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

There are few things Hillary can say that wont be twisted or taken out of context, which is why she chooses not to "recall" many things. Smart, very smart!

Side: Si.
1 point

That sounds great. And I could probably also use some cheap labor for yard work. Thank you.

Side: Si.
1 point

I would do horrible, awful things in order to have access to tacos at every possible street corner.

Side: Si.
1 point

I like a good taco as much as the next guy but...I'm pretty sure both supply AND demand would make that impossible. Besides, I like burritos and quesadillas better.

Side: No.