
Debate Info

Bother Me Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Bother Me (1)
 Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics (3)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Does It Bother You That Trump Is Being Sued For Violently Attacking Peaceful Protesters?

Civil rights groups sue Trump over assault on peaceful protesters near White House.

Bother Me

Side Score: 1

Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics

Side Score: 4

Protesters demonstrating over the killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis were gassed, shot with rubber bullets and forcefully cleared on Barr’s orders so Trump could walk to St John’s church, the so-called Church of the Presidents, and hold up a Bible in a photo op meant to reassure evangelical supporters.

Scott Michaelman, the legal director for the ACLU of the District of Columbia, said: “The president’s shameless, unconstitutional, unprovoked and frankly criminal attack on protesters because he disagreed with their views shakes the foundation of our nation’s constitutional order.

“And when the nation’s top law enforcement officer becomes complicit in the tactics of an autocrat, it chills protected speech for all of us.”

For those like Bronto who struggle with their own language, autocrat means Nazi.

Side: Bother Me
2 points

Does It Bother You That Trump Is Being Sued For Violently Attacking Peaceful Protesters?

Not really, seeing the park police, who reside over a city that is 97percent Democrat, and who were the ones involved, say they don't even possess tear gas and say no tear gas was deployed. Trump also doesn't control park police. He controls the secret service, who was not involved in the incident in question.

U.S. Park Police Chief Says No Tear Gas Was Used on Washington D.C. Protesters Before Trump's Church Visit

Of course, I recently watched a video where an SJW ANTIFA type claimed the police "tried to kill her" when the video that came out later shows they politely put cuffs on her made of plastic and let her go, so I don't tend to believe any hyperbole by left wing activists because anyone who believes in the slogan "by any means necessary" and has a handbook on how to create chaos, and to pretend to be from groups you aren't a part of, hasn't earned the trust of any rational, decent human being.

Plus, leftist activists pretend, lie, spin, ommit, and narrate a story rather than the story and sue about anything and everything, so it's meaningless. So all of that other stuff, but mostly that.

You're welcome.

Side: Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics

Note how my claims are backed up by a legitimate news source, not doctored Youtube videos, extreme right wing blogs pretending to be internet news or my own neo-Nazi bullshit.

Side: Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics

You can always tell when Trump is being sued because Bronto will be here accusing Democrats/Antifa/the left/blacks/Muslims/Chinese/Jews of whatever Trump is being sued for.

Well known Hitler tactic that one.

Side: Nah, I Love Nazi Tactics