
Debate Info

Oh yes, I do!! Duck...what?
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Oh yes, I do!! (3)
 Duck...what? (2)

Debate Creator

Srom(12120) pic

Does anybody watch Duck Dynasty?

If you watch Duck Dynasty what are your thoughts on the show? 

Oh yes, I do!!

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2

It is alright ,but i think It should have more ninjas and less geese.

Side: Oh yes, I do!!
1 point

Great show. My dad was actually able to land a product placement opportunity for his company in next year's season.

Side: Oh yes, I do!!
1 point

It's an awesome show. I own like all six seasons, and plan to buy the seventh when it comes out on dvd.

Side: Oh yes, I do!!
1 point

this probably came up in the last three years. when i stopped watching TV. :/

Side: Duck...what?

Oh god no! Don't remind me of that show... guys with long beards..........................

Side: Duck...what?