
Debate Info

Yeah brah.......totally. This man is impaired.
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:22
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 Yeah brah.......totally. (11)
 This man is impaired. (5)

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judas(295) pic

Does smoking weed give you super debating powers?

I want to open up a debate about marijuana use and its relation to debate websites. Marijuana turns me into a super genius, it's just a simple fact. If more of you createdebate users smoked weed we could have a higher level of discourse here.

Smoking marijuana causes:

*Increased creativity

*A relaxed, level headed demeanor

*Intellectual flexibility

*Intense focus

 = Super genius debating powers



Yeah brah.......totally.

Side Score: 14

This man is impaired.

Side Score: 5
3 points

I would think it would give you super debateing powers because it will give you the clarity and elightenment you seek.

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
2 points

Marijuana has a varying effect depending upon the person.

For some, it impairs.

For others, it boons.

In both cases though, it usually relaxes. And a relaxed debater is an efficient debater. So for the most part, I'd say weed, for an intellectual, would have a positive effect.

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
1 point

Also, most people don't understand that there are two types of marijuana with quite different effects.

Indica is the type of marijuana typical to the media, which causes a lazy, dumbed-down effect. Sativa on the other hand boosts energy and increases creativity.

I only like to smoke sativa strains, especially in the morning. Smoking a heavy indica in the morning will ruin your productivity for the day.

I suggest sativa strains for users.

Supporting Evidence: The two types of weed (
Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
1 point

I only use this site high.

I like to wake up, hit the bong, and read this site while I drink my coffee. That's sort of my morning routine.

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.

...Do I even need to say anything about this? Seriously?

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.

I think so because you connect more dots and look at things a different way

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
1 point

No... it just makes me want to eat cheetos.

Side: This man is impaired.
0 points

Considering the harmful effects marijuana has on the brain. It does not at all help your debating, if anything it clearly makes you worse.



Impaired memory


Altered responses to visual stimuli

Increased tremulousness

Problems with sustained attention and memory

Poor problem-solving skills

Side: This man is impaired.
judas(295) Disputed
1 point

Your honor these allegations are baseless, without base, and completely lacking in base. None of it can be proven. As a concerned party in this matter, I demand base!

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
-1 points

Drugs are bad for you. End of.

Aside from tea of course, and coffee isn't too bad, and apparently chocolate is a drug as well, we also should allow all soft drinks containing caffeine, and of course we should allow cocoa. I should also mention that glutamic acid is found in some types of cheese and there are traces of dopmine in bananas; turkey contains tryptophan and spinach contains a stress-reliving form of potassium. Salmon contains docosahexaenoic acid (drug which makes you smarter!), sugar can give you mood swings and large doses of nutmeg make you high.

Aside from these one or two exceptions, which really are quite harmless, drugs are bad and should be banned.

Side: This man is impaired.
1 point

not all drugs are bad for you and besides the damage is well worth the experience and knowledge gained... or, at least, i say it is

Side: Yeah brah.......totally.
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

You could use the same reasoning to say smoking and drinking alcohol is good. In fact you could say victims of rape suffered "damage" but it is "well worth the experience and knowledge gained".

Side: This man is impaired.