
Debate Info

Most definitively, YES! Hell no.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Most definitively, YES! (1)
 Hell no. (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Most definitively, YES!

Side Score: 1

Hell no.

Side Score: 5

This new glass may save humanity from itself ;)

Side: Most definitively, YES!

That's probably one of the most unnecessary things I've seen. Who wants to put the glass on their iphone?

And if that were to be the glasses used in bars and such, what about people who don't use iphones?

Side: Hell no.

The glass fits Android phones as well ;)

Side: Hell no.
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Android phones come in several shapes. You can't make a glass to fit all phones, that's impossible.

Side: Most definitively, YES!
1 point

No because we already have Google Glass! ;)

Side: Hell no.
1 point

Yeah.... That's a great idea lets put our expensive technology out in the open, While being shit faced. The action of theft is begging to reveal itself.

Side: Hell no.