
Debate Info

Dogs Cats
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 Dogs (5)
 Cats (5)

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Anna01(16) pic

Dogs vs. Cats

What is your favorite and why? Make sure you say how these animals also help us or this earth


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 6
2 points

Dogs are loyal and can do things that cats cannot. Also, dogs save lives and don't runaway like cats do.

Side: Dogs
2 points


dogs actually have personality and are fun what do cats do.... NOTHING

Side: Dogs

Loyal, useful and smart.

Unlike cats who are happy just to be alive, dogs will never find joy without knowing you are safe.

Side: Dogs

I am partial to dogs. They seem much cuter than cats and I like that expression of love in their eyes.

Side: Dogs
0 points

In a dog vs. cat war, the dogs would rip and mangle the cats until there is nothing left but shreds of flesh on a blood soaked battle field. There wouldn't be any bones cuz the dogs would bury them all.

Side: Dogs
2 points

My cat would destroy your ass.

Side: Cats
1 point

Cats are the most adorable pet.In the old saying when a dog comes to a house it is bad day for the people who are living in the house,but if a cat comes to a house they say that it is good day.

Side: Cats

Easier to take care of, not as noisy, cuter and, I just like their personalities better. Not knocking dogs, I love them too, but I prefer to share my house with cats.

Side: Cats

I find that cats are easier to take care of. It is also difficult trying to pick up and hold a large dog; which isn't a problem with cats.

Side: Cats

Cats are more independent whereas Dogs are very demanding and take up a lot of your life. Also Dogs can be quite OTT and irritating. Dogs are messier as well.

Side: Cats