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YES!! NO!!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 YES!! (3)
 NO!! (3)

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tutata(20) pic

Dollar dance at a wedding

Is it tacky or tradition?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
1 point
I love the dollar dance at the wedding. It's great for the couple because they get a bunch of money for the honeymoon, and who doesn't enjoy a dance with a beautiful bride? I don't think it's tacky at all, I give girls dollar bills all the time to dance :)
Side: YES!!
0 points
TO be 100% honest, I have been to about 5 weddings and they all had one. I don't think it is tacky, I think it might be tradition.
Side: YES!!
0 points
I think the dollar dance should go one step further and do some kind of auction to see who'll pay the most for the first minute, then go to the normal dollar dance. That's free market capitalism, baby!
Side: YES!!
2 points
Dollar dances are pretty tacky if you ask me. All the guests are already giving you a wedding gift, no need to hit them up for more money at the reception.
Side: NO!!
Dollar dances are a need.
Side: NO!!
1 point

Just kind of seems like making a whore out of the bride.

Side: NO!!