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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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asylbek(20) pic

Driving age should be raised to 21

Driving age should be raised to 21 because of the fact many accidents because of the teenagers!!!


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6
2 points

I am sure driving age should be raised to 21. First contention is peer pressure!!!

Side: for
1 point

Yeah, I want to do so. As I said I have several reasons. First contention is a peer pressure. Many teenagers buy a car at eighteen years old. I’m sure that this pressure made them getting a car too. I mean when somebody shows a driving license for everyone to see and those who do not have a permits for driving a car will want to get a permit. At eighteen you may be able to get your driving license, but it does not mean that you can not get your driving license at 21 years old. Thus, changing the driving age to 21 will not be a dramatic change. As I said peer pressure really effects to other students because a part of them do not pay attention to getting their driving license until they see that other students already have a permit for driving a car.

Side: for

Driving under 18 is not a smart implementation. Drivers should wait until reaching 21 because they will have more maturity at that age.

Side: for

Inexperienced drivers will have high accident rates at any age. Do you really want people to reach the legal drinking and driving ages at the same time?

Side: against
asylbek(20) Disputed
1 point

Yeah, I want to do so. As I said I have several reasons. First contention is a peer pressure. Many teenagers buy a car at eighteen years old. I’m sure that this pressure made them getting a car too. I mean when somebody shows a driving license for everyone to see and those who do not have a permits for driving a car will want to get a permit. At eighteen you may be able to get your driving license, but it does not mean that you can not get your driving license at 21 years old. Thus, changing the driving age to 21 will not be a dramatic change. As I said peer pressure really effects to other students because a part of them do not pay attention to getting their driving license until they see that other students already have a permit for driving a car.

Side: for
2 points

People are no longer under their parents legal care as of 18. So they now can legally be kicked out, and while living on their own they will have either no means of getting to work, or eventually expensive means.

Not only that but at 21, when you are now legally allowed to drink, I definitely think the mix of the two significant dates would cause more accents than it'd save.

Side: against

The reasons teenagers cause car-accidents is because they are inexperienced. They haven't been that long behind the steering-wheel, and they don't know how to react to somethings.

This will not change if we raise the agelimit - no matter if you are 12 or 21 when you get to drive, you are still going to learn for the first time how to drive, and you are still going to make mistakes.

Side: against
1 point

Everything should be 18

Side: against