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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:17
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 18 (8)

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missybleu(6) pic

Driving ages

do you think that teen should be 18 to get there drivers licenes or should they be 16


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 9
1 point

i do think that teens should be 16 because what if hey need to go to work do you want to drive them around? i think that the age should be 16.

Side: Peterson is a MONSTER
1 point

I have no problem with people being 16 except the basic problem of mental immaturity (which 18-year-olds have as well). I feel they should go through all the present hoops they have to go through. Driver's Ed (or other traffic school), the six-plus months of having a permit, etc. We have a pretty good system set up.

Side: Peterson is a MONSTER
1 point

18 years old is the best age to protect our society from teenagers, if people who drives younger than 18 we would have many of accidents problems ,which affect our lives and society

Side: 16
ZaidTheBoss(94) Disputed
1 point

the government says adultage starts at 18 but now there are some people who are younger and drive better than adults and why eighteen is it a lucky number or something if it is then i would declare it as 25

Side: 18

18 years old is the best age to protect our society from teenagers, if people who drives younger than 18 we would have many of accidents problems ,which affect our lives and society

Side: 16
1 point

Just because there are some irresponsible teenage drivers doesn't mean that all teenage drivers are irresponsible. People tend to forget that people will rise to your expectations. If you expect them to be irresponsible, they just might be, but if you expect them to be responsible, they are more than likely to rise to that expectation.

If the driving age was 18, then parents would have to drive their kids to school for longer, which is way less convenient then allowing them to have their license. There are also some people who are attending college by the age of 17, so it would be extremely inconvenient to not have a license until a year later.

Side: 16
1 point

parents choose wisely if you think your child is amateur let him or her drive

google and facebook were started by ameteur the titanic was built by pros

Side: 16
1 point

To my mind, driving age should be increased up to 18 for a number of reasons.

Firstly, increasing driving age will reduce a number of drivers who are from 16 to 18. Hence, possible air pollution from their cars will be eliminated.

Secondly, teenagers at 16 are much less reliable and mature than at 18. Of course, it depends on a personality, but in most cases this statement is true.

Thirdly, increasing driving age will reduce a number of drivers, and subsequently, a number of car accidents.

Side: The New Republican
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

1. Depends on alternative transportation availability and expense. It may increase air pollution in some areas by increasing how many parents drive their more expensive, but less fuel efficient cars(like trucks and suvs) around town.

2. What does maturity and reliability have to do with recognizing a car is a metal box of death? 16 year olds have a well defined concept of danger, Most of them exhibit the same behaviors as most people new to driving would such as slowing down over a long distance, driving too close to the side of the road, turning too wide, jerky acceleration, etc. Once these new behaviors are overcame, they next need to learn defensive driving skills and learn how to anticipate other cars movements(something they are not alone with, seems most people, regardless of age needs to learn more of that). Also, they haven't experience though friends and family or though their own experiences the unlikely events which would scare them into driving the speed limit when its safe to go over, not tailing too closely, etc( actually, a lot of people never experience those things, like really serious car wrecks although they are likely to experience minor ones).

3. Simply reducing the number of drivers may not reduce the number of car accidents, in that distractions from passengers would increase, since car pooling likely would as well. Also the possible increase in car pooling would mean more lives are at risk per a crash.

I would also like to add:

4. Many 16-18 year olds work part time jobs, limiting their ability to travel to and from them isn't going to help the economy.

5. Many are also in other activities outside of school, these may keep them out of trouble. Limiting their ability to travel to and from them may increase crime, lower graduation rates, etc. For example, if a poor student really likes a Extracurricular activity in school, he may put extra time in his studies to meet the min academic requirements to participate in it. Also, these activities are structured, supervised and may channel a teen's energies into constructive purposes or at least non-destructive ones. Alternatives may very easily lack those qualities.

6. Raising the age limit pushes back learning how to drive to a more vital time in development, to roughly the time students enter college. A commuter college can be terrible with parking and traffic congestion, it would be bad to have most freshmen new to driving and trying to navigate the often confusing and infuriating road conditions of some college campuses. Similar things can be said of those who work in more congested areas, like in the downtown area of a city.

7. Raising the age limit creates a different set of circumstances insurance companies may not have experience with(creating a sense of greater risk, and thus a higher premium), it also creates greater demand for insurance during a period. Some teens do not learn how to drive till they have to(for most, roughly 18), while others learn as soon as possible. Making them all learn how to drive roughly when they have to will boast demand for insurance up, Possibly raising insurance companies volume per a period and thus costs(till they grow to handle the greater spikes in demand) These costs will be passed on to the consumer. A similar argument can be made with gasoline, except gasoline is more limited in supply and so just the increase in demand will cause price increases. Most people are born in august, so every year during august you'll price increase (unless a equal or greater number of people stop using such services, which is unlikely)

8. Many jobs require a valid driver's license and some experience with driving in order to operate some machinery, like a tug or forklift or preform some service like pizza delivery. Once people turn 18, they wouldn't be eligible for such jobs for at least a few months, and likely years.

Side: Peterson is a MONSTER
1 point

Teenage drivers are particularly dangerous, so delaying when they get a license will make the roads much safer for everyone. Young people (especially boys) have a different attitude to driving compared to older ones. For example, they can be fearless and thrill-seeking, taking risks that older drivers would not do. They see good driving as about being able to control their car at high speeds. They are also more influenced by peer pressure and more competitive, both of which make risky behaviour more likely.

Raising the driving age would also help us tackle obesity. Lack of exercise is a major reason why many people are hugely overweight. Obesity leads to ill health for the individual, and society suffers through higher taxes to pay for the extra healthcare spending, as well as from lower economic output. Many teens are obese and raising the driving age would force them to walk instead of riding, giving them much-needed exercise. 16-18 is also a time when people develop habits that will stick with them for life. This means that raising the driving age will have a wider impact as people will grow up less dependent on their cars.

Side: The New Republican
1 point

In my own idea i thinks 17 is too young to drive! Many of the accident are occur by a young teenager because there responsibility still low. They don't care the RULES

Side: The New Republican
1 point

18, even at the age of 16, even girls don't fully mature by then. You can not feel too safe with drivers being too young driving.

Side: 18
1 point

18181818181818181818181818181818181818181818181818 is the best

Side: 18
1 point

i think sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Side: 18

Actually, I think it should be 21, but 18 is a much better age to learn to drive than 16.

Side: 18