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An acceptable alternative Just as bad as smoking
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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 An acceptable alternative (14)
 Just as bad as smoking (12)

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StickinStone(649) pic


The increased production and use of E-cigarettes has caused controversy between anti-smoking advocates and e-smokers. 

"Some claim that e-cigarettes may act as “gateways” to the real thing. Others suggest that the flavourings sometimes added to the nicotine-bearing solution make e-cigarettes especially attractive to children—a sort of nicotine equivalent of “alcopop” drinks. But these objections seem to be driven by puritanism, not by reason."

An acceptable alternative

Side Score: 17

Just as bad as smoking

Side Score: 12
2 points

I smoke a fair amount of hookah pens, and I can vouch that they're not all the same. Many have only natural flavoring and lack nicotine and tobacco. Those that don't are still extremely useful in breaking smokers' addictions.

I'd bet that lot of the bad rep comes from tobacco companies seeing them as a legitimate threat.

Side: An acceptable alternative

I consider them an acceptable alternative. While there is certainly an inherent danger involved in using any addictive substance, and there is a possibility of someone starting on e-cigarettes and progressing to regular cigarettes, I find it unlikely.

Mainly because the concentration of nicotine you can get for the e-cigarettes can be significantly higher than what you can get in cigarettes. Between that and the fact that you can puff on the thing anywhere, when I started using e-cigarettes, my tolerance to nicotine increased significantly to the point that when I grubbed a regular cigarette it basically did nothing.

That said, e-cigarettes were also rather instrumental in my quitting smoking and nicotine in general altogether; when I realized how much worse my addiction had become with what was supposed to be a better alternative, I knew I had to break it. I got a couple large containers of liquid, one with the highest concentration of nicotine, and another of the same flavor with no nicotine. I mixed these into vials that would each last me a week or two, ranging from full strength and gradually diluting all the way down to no nicotine. Over the course of a couple of months I dropped the dosage down gradually and eventually freed myself of the habit.

That said, these are by no means a method to quit smoking, as without a plan it is likely to make the habit worse; this is probably why they can't market it as such. I wonder if they could get approval to sell a 'kit' like I made for myself, with vials gradually decreasing in concentration, and market it is a way to quit smoking?

Side: An acceptable alternative
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

I should probably also note that my intent when I picked up the e-cig initially was not to quit using nicotine, but to replace cigarettes with what appeared to be a healthier alternative.

The problem is that there is a sizeable up-front cost with the e-cigs; A set of atomizers, batteries, blank cartridges, and the accessories for them (chargers et al) typically cost as much or more than a carton of cigarettes. Replacing the individual batteries and buying new atomizers and blank carts as needed isn't too much trouble, though. The problem I had was that the particular e-cig I was using was discontinued in favor of a new model- compatible batteries, atomizers et al were no longer being produced for it, and I didn't like the idea of making another large up-front payment to start with a different model, so I bought enough of the remaining stock of batteries, atomizers, and carts to last me through my quitting plan. I was aware of how bad my addiction had gotten, but it took that to actually spur me to quit altogether.

In retrospect, that model being discontinued is one of the best things that ever happened to me, though I was raging at the time. I do still miss taking smoke breaks at work though.

Side: An acceptable alternative
1 point

I actually saw a kid that looked like he was about fourteen, smoking an e-cig the other day, so kids do see something in it. It's kind of weird though, if you think about it, electronic gadgets are becoming alternatives to just about everything. Years ago, I would have never thought that people would be using an electronic alternative to cigarettes.

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, but I've heard that one of the things that makes cigarettes so bad for you is the paper that the tobacco is wrapped in. E-Cigs eliminate the paper and apparently the smoke is just water vapor. If that's true, then I'd say that it is definitely an acceptable alternative.

Side: An acceptable alternative
1 point

Maybe you have a point. Smoke itself is apparently really harmful. Fireplaces are bad for you.

Side: An acceptable alternative
1 point

Have you ever noticed how smokers blow their smoke away from them, especially when driving, they'll blow it out the window? They love smoking so much, you'd think they'd want to seal themselves in there with it lol.

Side: An acceptable alternative

Nicotine and cigarettes are often lumped together as equally bad, but this is an error. While nicotine does have some negative affects, they are not significantly more harmful than the effects of caffein. The tar and other carcinogenes found in cigarette smoke is the main cause of the various health issues associated with smoking.

The main reason that there is all this controversy against e-cigarettes is the stigma against smoking or anything that looks like it. Not because e-cigarettes are actually just as bad.

Side: An acceptable alternative
1 point

I think the chemicals for the fake cigarettes will be found out to be just as dangerous and that second hand vapor is more intrusive than they claim.

Side: Just as bad as smoking
2 points

The ingredients in regular cigarettes are numerous and not openly stated. The ingredients in e-cigarettes are as follows:

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Nicotine (when applicable), FCC Grade Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid

While it may be found that these chemicals are harmful when taken into the lungs, I doubt they will be scientifically shown to be more or as harmful as taking in all of the various chemicals in cigarettes.

What do you mean when you say that they will find "second hand vapor is more intrusive than they claim" ? How can vapor that dissipates be more intrusive than smoke that lingers? I don't know about any studies that have researched this yet, but anecdotally I tried out second hand vapor on a person who is highly sensitive to cigarette smoke and she liked it.

Side: An acceptable alternative
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

The ingredients in regular cigarettes are numerous and not openly stated. The ingredients in e-cigarettes are as follows:

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Nicotine (when applicable), FCC Grade Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid

That doesn't sound right. I saw a guy refill his thing with a "vial" that had a skull and crossbones on it.

While it may be found that these chemicals are harmful when taken into the lungs, I doubt they will be scientifically shown to be more or as harmful as taking in all of the various chemicals in cigarettes.

The current claim is that there is 0 harm. I think we will find out this is not true.

What do you mean when you say that they will find "second hand vapor is more intrusive than they claim" ? How can vapor that dissipates be more intrusive than smoke that lingers? I don't know about any studies that have researched this yet, but anecdotally I tried out second hand vapor on a person who is highly sensitive to cigarette smoke and she liked it.

The current claim is that you can't detect second hand vapor at all. I think we will find out that the second hand vapor is not 100% undetectable. I have my anecdote too, my wife is bothered by the e-vapor like she is to smoke, but not as bad.

Side: Just as bad as smoking
1 point

Something about the idea of inhaling stuff from what looks like a miniature flashlight, makes me feel uncomfortable.

Side: Just as bad as smoking
1 point

Ooh, since it is electronic maybe they can throw an LED on there and make it into a flashlight as well. "Smoke" in the dark.

Side: Just as bad as smoking