
Debate Info

Ellen DeGeneres Jimmy Fallon
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Ellen DeGeneres (9)
 Jimmy Fallon (5)

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PhxDemocrat(13095) pic

Ellen DeGeneres or Jimmy Fallon?

Who is the better talk show host:  Ellen DeGeneres or Jimmy Fallon?

Ellen DeGeneres

Side Score: 9

Jimmy Fallon

Side Score: 5
1 point

She has more testosterone than jimmy and more sarcasm too.

Since men are superior to women and sarcasm makes a good talk show host, this is very good.

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
pirateelfdog(2654) Clarified
1 point

Just so you know, levels of testosterone have no impact on sexual orientation.

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

I already disproved you on this, I'm not going to spam links again.

Side: Jimmy Fallon
1 point

I love Ellen! She's awesome, and very funny. Who else wants a dance right now?

Side: Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen Degeneres has much more reputation that the Jimmy Fallon show

Side: Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen Degeneres also gives free stuff... Jimmy Fallon? Not sure...

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
1 point

You hate gay people and Ellen is gay so I find it weird that you are singing her praises.

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
1 point

singing her praises.

What?? How am I doing that??

She is a gay person who doesn't really show it.. she is accepted into society, not like you

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
1 point

Ellen is just so much more enthusiastic than Jimmy. I love Ellen, I would rather watch her and her humor.

Side: Ellen DeGeneres
Megatron(82) Disputed
1 point

Jimmy Fallon is enthusiastic,too. Also he does more cool stuff than Ellen. Plus, Ellen doesn't really do anything during the show.

Side: Jimmy Fallon
1 point

jimmy Fallon is much more better. Like in the Kevin Delaney video, they explode a ping pong ball or fire a ping pong ball at 920mph.

Side: Jimmy Fallon