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 Embattled St. Louis Soros-Funded Kim Gardner (5)

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Chinaman(3570) pic

Embattled St. Louis Soros-Funded Kim Gardner

Embattled Soros-funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney was sanctioned last week by a local judge after she withheld evidence from the court on a double-homicide case and released the alleged killer back on the street.
A St. Louis judge sanctioned St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s Office for withholding evidence in a double homicide and allowing the suspect out on bond. Gardner refuses to prosecute criminals and releases dangerous criminals on the street.
The final straw was a horrific crime in February when repeat offender, 21-year-old Daniel Riley, who had been out on bail after violating his bond multiple times, struck teenager Janae Edmondson in a wreck.  The young teen volleyball sensation lost both of her legs as she was walking from a volleyball tournament with her parents in downtown St. Louis. Janee had a scholarship to play volleyball in college. Daniel Riley had violated his bond and yet was still roaming the streets of St. Louis.
People the likes of Kim Gardner need to be in JAIL.
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1 point

From 2018 -Soros-backed Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner announced her attorneys will no longer accept cases from 28 St. Louis City police officers. Gardner called it her “exclusion list.”

Again Leftist are all about defund the police and that is a fact.

1 point

Just a little about Daniel Riley a criminal and of course a POC like Kim Gardner

1 point

Put a pig (sow) on horseback and it'll ride straight to hell.

1 point

Very well said and right on point

These Soros appointed people are a real problem for America

1 point

The heinous crime committed in February by chronic offender Daniel Riley, 21, who was on bail after repeatedly breaking his bond, was the breaking point. Riley hit adolescent Janae Edmondson in a collision.

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