
Debate Info

Try to revive Let them die
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Try to revive (1)
 Let them die (1)

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PungSviti(552) pic

Endangered Languages: Try to revive them Or let them die

With technological globalisation alot of languages are dying out or becoming ingrained with english

Do you think that is bad or good or neutral?

Try to revive

Side Score: 2

Let them die

Side Score: 3
2 points

We should care about dying languages for the very same reason that we care when a species of animal or plant dies- It reduces the diversity of our planet. Each language reflects its culture and heritage. When languages die, that culture and heritage is lost forever. There is approximately 6,000 languages right now, linguists believe that in a century HALF of those languages will be extinct.

Side: Try to revive
2 points

Let them die, there is no point keeping something around if it is going to cause problems by causing people to not understand each other.

Side: Let them die