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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:20
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 I agree (9)
 I disagree (9)

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joeyf327(11) pic

Establishment of a Unitary World Government

Over the last 1 century alone humanity has come a long way, we have seen more change in the last couple of decades than we have in a long time. As time goes on the need to create a world government. A government that can't be democratic due to the numerous issues that will sufice when a candidate gets elected that a region or few regions didn't want, this could cause riots, and even them suceeding which we'd be back to where we are now. 

In order for any of this to happen we'd need to eliminate money and capitalism, we need to take the causes of corruption out of the equation.  We'd need to live in a resource based society, meaning no one owns anything, everything is state owned and the government provides everything which could happen. We have the technology to make this happen and without private corporations we'd all be working with the Government to ensure we live in peace and prosperity.

We'd need to all want to be united and all want to live in peace and be happy. 

We'd need to work together on research and numerous other issues. We could eliminate global warming, terrorism, drugs, etc.. 

We have the brains and technology and the power to do this. Together as a one world government under my plan we could do this.

Free health care, and free education. Everything provided for you, but as humans we want more so go to work get points (which will replace money) and buy additional stuff, like bigger TV, newer computer, nicer bed, etc.. Everything you'd need you could buy for points but all of the basics will be provided.

We would have city systems where we would have everything we have now (at least in the USA, I mean), which include movie theaters, sports, theaters, aquariums, etc.. 

Together we could do amazing things we'd never be able to do in our lifetimes, I might be a little ambitious but make me King and you can see where we could go. 

I agree

Side Score: 10

I disagree

Side Score: 9
1 point

Does anyone agree with me on this issue here? If so, join me. If not tell me why.

Side: I agree
Idiotobx914(1340) Clarified
1 point

The major flaw with your thinking: human greed.

Side: I agree

A Unitary World Government is the ideal way to have peace in this world.

Side: I agree
1 point

I can take on your communist Utopia and aspirations for ruling the world later. But let me start with the idocracy of one world government.

I challenge you, to find out who your state senator is, or better yet your mayor or a city commissioner, find an issue they are working on, and send them an e-mail with your honest and constructive opinion. I have exchanged emails and had a little debate with my state senator... Now try to do the same thing with your US senator... You will probably get a standard reply letter in the mail saying "we value your opinion etc etc etc," and you will have zero chance of having any impact... Do you want to try to write the president and share what you think? Not a chance. And now you want to give total control to a WORLD government... How much of a voice do you have between 7,000,000,000 people? On the other hand, you can show up at a city council meeting and be heard. The more power you give to your local government and state government the better for you. Such a concept has been usurped by the 17th Amendment and you should look into the drive to repeal it.

Take, for example, freedom of speech. In the United States, you can burn a quran, say whatever you want to say about muhammed, publish whatever you want to publish about him. In Eruope, that is not the case, many European countries will label it "something something" speech and throw you in jail for saying it. In Islamic countries, such speech will get your head cut off... literally.

So how do you rectify such varied opinions on the issue so everyone can get along under one rule? The answer is you don't You let Saudi Arabia decide for Saudi Arabia, the UK decide for the UK, and the US decide for the US. By respecting the sovereignty of the individual countries, you reduce conflict and most likely violence and rebellion.

This was the case with the United States... The country was set up so that you could have different laws in different regions, but we could all come together for mutual defense and prosperity. You may live in an area where 75% of people want legalized gay marriage... I live in an area where 75% support a ban on gay marriage... we can both get what we want and have the freedom to move to a different state where they have the laws that you want... so long as the supreme court and federal government stay out of it. It is a simple case of a Win-Win solution verse a Win-Lose solution. And remember, every time the federal government makes the decision for us, it opens up the possibility of the federal government changing their mind and turning against your opinion. So while you may even be on the winning side of the win-lose, you still lose the freedom to make up your own mind.

Such a scenario would play out over thousands of issues if you had a global government.

Side: I disagree
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

I don't think you get it. I am saying lets have a world government and there would be some global laws likes crimes against humanity, nature, animals. You would have a regional level where they'd get their voices heard by the regional level and pass it on to the global level. We live in a world where there is war everywhere no matter where you look there is a war, endless wars in Africa, some down in south america, war with narco-terrorists in central america. North America has a war on drugs and terrorism among others. We live in a world where countries don't care about each other for the most part, with an exception with the USA where we butt our heads in everyone elses problems.

I am not saying lets make the world a planet where we have the same everything, same religion, same laws, same cultures, that could never happen. I am saying lets have a world government to tackle the global problems and have a regional level to deal with the regional issues.

If people care about themselves and families I wouldn't see why they wouldn't want to live in a world with peace, no capitalism, and united. If you don't then move to a country where there is war, no money and everyone hates each other kind of like America I guess, at least its almost there if not fully.

Side: I agree
AngryGenX(463) Disputed
1 point

That would be the UN... I think we all know how effective they are.

Side: I disagree
1 point

And do you think everyone in the world would simply sit down and sing "kumbaya"? Never would happen. You have riots already.

Side: I disagree
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

1 person isn't a riot, neither is 3. A majority people of the world should want this, and its possible with our technology and communications.

Side: I agree

I disagree because i do not believe in the dissolving of culture through cultural diffusion and any culture deserves the right to self govern how they want to seperatly

Side: I disagree
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with you. Cultures wouldn't be dissolved, I don't know why anyone thinks that but it won't be. There will simply be some global laws and every region can make laws based on the sustainability of its people and resources. If these cultures around the world knew how to self govern we wouldn't be in the mess we're in world wide.

Side: I agree
1 point

Primary Objection: Utopic Naivity

Specific Objections:

(1) Representation Problem. Historical, religious, cultural, linguistic, etc. differences make equitable representation impractical with a single consolidated global government.

(2) Benevolent Government Fallacy. Presumption that a single global government that possesses the full and unrivaled political power of the world would not become corrupt or abusive. Consolidation of power is the surest path to corruption. You want equity give power back to the people with as limited a government influence as is realistically possible.

(3) Economic & Power Realities. Money is integrally connected to most if not all forms of power in society and government. Given that the present concentration of wealth and power is invested in maintaining the economic status quo, good luck instituting a global government that isn't purely and solely representative of those very interests.

(4) Anti-Capitalism Fallacy. There are corrupt capitalist governments, and there are corrupt anti-capitalist governments. The problem is not purely economic.

(5) Anti-Money Fallacy. Money is merely a formalized means of expediting the exchange of goods and services; if we used another medium our problems would still exist.

Side: I disagree

I would rather poke my eyes out and jumb into a volcano than ever live under a communist world government that violates national soveirnty, human rights, gives power to the wrong people, fucks the economy right in the ass, and so on. No no no no no!

Side: I disagree
joeyf327(11) Disputed
1 point

You don't get it.

One way or the other the world will be under the control of one or a handful of people that will be like communists or dictators. We're all going to die and destroy the earth soon enough because of our greedy and selfish needs, thanks to capitalism. The economy wouldn't exist because money and capitalism is gone. So yeah you could poke your eyes out and jump into a volcano but its inevitable the USA is already a communist nation just by hundreds of people and the NSA. I am not saying lets make a world government like how North Korea is people will have rights and people can do as they please, they'll just be able to be happy and live in peace if it worked which it would but the billionaires wouldn't want it too because all of their hard work or well work would be stolen by the nationalist world government who cares more about the people of earth than those elite few who take all the money from the poor and middle class people.

Side: I agree
1 point

America is currently socialist, not communist, but we are getting there. :(

Side: I disagree