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RSS Joeyf327

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

You misunderstood me there. I was talking about before a world government, if the people want it they can get it, if not then they can live the way they do. With a world government you'd need to comply by the global laws which would be simple laws, don't kill each other, don't destroy the environment, and don't kill animals. Outside of that every region controls the laws that are specific to that region. That is all. There wouldn't be taxes in my world...

1 point

I disagree with you. Cultures wouldn't be dissolved, I don't know why anyone thinks that but it won't be. There will simply be some global laws and every region can make laws based on the sustainability of its people and resources. If these cultures around the world knew how to self govern we wouldn't be in the mess we're in world wide.

2 points

The UN is an international organization its more or less a 3rd party to deal with international issues. It is not a world government and has no powers over another nation or anything. The security council is a part of the UN but the state actors are the ones who make the decisions and they don't care about the international community just themselves personally not their nations they sworn to represent. A World Government in a Democratic type can't work period. If the people want change they can get it but if they want to live the way they do then they can, its all by choice.

1 point

haha are you 4Real? America was socialist until technology became more advanced and now we're all being watched and monitored. Where is the freedom, where is the constitution? The idea I presented isn't meant to be a communist world a Monarchical one yes but one person in charge is better than several like the US Government, the President can only do so little and Congress can do everything else pretty much. Then law enforcement has more power than anyone.

1 point

You don't get it.

One way or the other the world will be under the control of one or a handful of people that will be like communists or dictators. We're all going to die and destroy the earth soon enough because of our greedy and selfish needs, thanks to capitalism. The economy wouldn't exist because money and capitalism is gone. So yeah you could poke your eyes out and jump into a volcano but its inevitable the USA is already a communist nation just by hundreds of people and the NSA. I am not saying lets make a world government like how North Korea is people will have rights and people can do as they please, they'll just be able to be happy and live in peace if it worked which it would but the billionaires wouldn't want it too because all of their hard work or well work would be stolen by the nationalist world government who cares more about the people of earth than those elite few who take all the money from the poor and middle class people.

1 point

1 person isn't a riot, neither is 3. A majority people of the world should want this, and its possible with our technology and communications.

1 point

I don't think you get it. I am saying lets have a world government and there would be some global laws likes crimes against humanity, nature, animals. You would have a regional level where they'd get their voices heard by the regional level and pass it on to the global level. We live in a world where there is war everywhere no matter where you look there is a war, endless wars in Africa, some down in south america, war with narco-terrorists in central america. North America has a war on drugs and terrorism among others. We live in a world where countries don't care about each other for the most part, with an exception with the USA where we butt our heads in everyone elses problems.

I am not saying lets make the world a planet where we have the same everything, same religion, same laws, same cultures, that could never happen. I am saying lets have a world government to tackle the global problems and have a regional level to deal with the regional issues.

If people care about themselves and families I wouldn't see why they wouldn't want to live in a world with peace, no capitalism, and united. If you don't then move to a country where there is war, no money and everyone hates each other kind of like America I guess, at least its almost there if not fully.

1 point

Does anyone agree with me on this issue here? If so, join me. If not tell me why.

1 point

Exactly what I am saying! I could be the Monarch of the world...

1 point

That could never happen. If you have candidates then have an election the world would go into chaos because there is no way that all 7 billion people would vote for the same person, there will be trouble when a certain region doesn't get the candidate they chose for and the world like I say would go into chaos or they would become independent and the whole geopolitical issue starts over again and we'd back in the same place we were in years ago.

About Me

"I am currently 20 and I live in Boston, MA. I am a student and wanting to be the King of the world."

Biographical Information
Name: joseph farrell
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Postal Code: 02125
Education: Some College
Websites: Kingdom of Asgard
Via IM: imjfarrell327

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