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 Ever wonder why these anti Christian bigots are incapable of controlling their hatred? (3)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Ever wonder why these anti Christian bigots are incapable of controlling their hatred?

Wouldn't you think that if a person actually wanted to debate (rather than being banned), he would control his hatred towards those he's speaking to.

The bigots on this site have no desire to actually debate. They simply want a forum whereby they can spew their hatred towards Christians, Jews, Conservatives, Trump, etc. etc.

They seemingly have no control of their mouth. If I wanted to debate someone on a particular issue, I surely would not act in a manner that gets me instantly banned.
I have never worried about getting banned, because the people who might ban me are the bigots I speak of. There can be no intelligent debate with bigots and hatemongers.

Ban them before they can spew their hate!
Fool me once with your hatred, shame on you. Fool me a hundred times with your hatred? Shame on me! I'm the loser who allows you a forum to spew filth.
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Demon posession most likely.

-1 points

Debate sites are just one more window into how this no fault anything goes political correct culture hurts our nation.

When we allow lazy able bodied people to live off tax payers year after year after year, we are encouraging irresponsible behavior. Have you noticed how the welfare roles keep going up decade after decade?

In the same way, by not banning hateful bigots from our own debates, we enable them to ruin debate sites. We lack the common sense of holding them responsible for their hatred.

BAN THEM and you are doing your part in improving debate sites, just as workfare would help reduce the numbers of able bodied dead beats on our welfare roles.

-1 points

Most of what you perceive as hate rhetoric on this site is no more than juvenile mischievousness designed to insult people's deeply held religious faiths and/or political dogma.

These debate saboteurs have no interest in genuine discourse but get their kicks from offending people and demeaning their creeds.

They are to reasoned and rational argument what the iceberg was to the Titanic.

Some people visit such forums as this to challenge the views of others and, in turn to defend their standpoints when they themselves are challenged.

From such interaction comes a respect for the views of others, and on occasions participants can persuade others to adopt their opinion on a particular topic.

The inevitable outcome of people of good-will exchanging views is a greater understanding as well as recognition that other people's angles may have some merit.

Not so with the site's professional provocateurs.

All they seek is a platform from which to disgorge their impressive repertoire of disgusting profanities and to incite emotional reactions from their victims.

The best way to deal with these cyber terrorists is;- do not engage with them.