
Debate Info

Trusting action Unevidenced belief
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Trusting action (3)
 Unevidenced belief (1)

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atypican(4875) pic

Faith - What side are you on?

I think it was Martin Luther King who said that "faith is taking the first step even though we cannot see the whole staircase"

Some people speak of faith as if it is characteristic to only theists or "religious" superstitious people.

Others understand faith as "effort that indicates a belief that such behavior will be beneficial."

What side are you on?

Trusting action

Side Score: 3

Unevidenced belief

Side Score: 1
1 point

I think the essence of "faith" is chance-taking - and that that essence is quite relevant, for so much of the universe and its systems are random.

But religious faith is when a pre-defined faith gets packaged into a commodity and sold to what in modern times can only be described as stupid (uninformed) people.

So in other words "faith" is a more general term than religious "faith"

Side: Trusting action
atypican(4875) Disputed
1 point

I think the essence of "faith" is chance-taking

And the risk increases if our faculties responsible for evaluating risk are more error prone. Less if we are well informed.

so much of the universe and its systems are random

And so much of it is quite predictable.

But religious faith is when a pre-defined faith gets packaged into a commodity and sold to what in modern times can only be described as stupid (uninformed) people.

I think this class of people you refer to, to the contrary are informed just not in a way that you would prefer. These folks are not up to the challenge of "packaging" their own profession of faith so they rightly look for a trustworthy authority. Too bad for these poor folks, for trustworthy authorities are few and far between, plus they usually don't have much interest in fashioning these type of "packages."

So in other words "faith" is a more general term than religious "faith

as "religion" is a more general term than theistic "religion"

Side: Trusting action
PungSviti(552) Disputed
1 point

I dont get why you are disputing this but since you do I have to do so too.

No contest with your first argument

on the second: in terms of measuring matter in the universe the majority is chaotic (dark matter)

on the third argument; I think you are just stretching the word "informed" but Ill give some qualification: on the scale of 1 too 10 - 1 being a caveman and 10 being a rocket scientist - I would say religious people are about 2 - in terms of being informed ( you have to take into account that information gathering through the ages has been exponential in magnitude)

I didnt really get where you were going with the last argument.

Side: Unevidenced belief
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