
Debate Info

Yea! I like sadness
Debate Score:81
Total Votes:99
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 Yea! (30)
 I like sadness (29)

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kozlov(1754) pic

Felling Sad and Hopeless? There is Now a Solution!


Side Score: 41

I like sadness

Side Score: 40
1 point

What an informative public service announcement. I completely understand my ills now ;)

Side: Yea!

I was raise during the age of communism in Yugoslavia and I can say that it is way better than capitalism. Contrary to common view state property isn't bad at all, tings had higher quality then and now we import western rubbish which lasts only few days. Also capitalism lead to cultural decline because to develop great music, paintings, arhitecture ect. you need a lot of leisure time and communism enabled this. I also think that capitallism can only be seen as something possitive in Anglo-America and west of Europe because eastern mentality is not something that you would like to put togeather with with work, work and work philosophy.

Side: Yea!
1 point

It's nice to see someone with a sophisticated world view. It is also nice to see that there are some people who are still untouched by the bad things going on in the media.

Respect from Canada.

Side: Yea!
GuitaristDog(2538) Disputed Banned
0 points

Your ill is that you (and every other socialist out there) have this delusional idea that you have the authority and knowledge to control and regulate everyone's lives.

PS: When the free market revolutionizes musical instruments, amplifiers and recording equipment, you don't get to say that capitalism causes "culture decay" Fender, Gibson and Marshall have added way more culture to the world than every bureaucratic mess you promote put together.

Side: I like sadness
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I am a democratic socialist. I only support socialism elected by the people, not the authoritarian kind.

Side: Yea!
kozlov(1754) Disputed
1 point

Lol... I guess you have no sense of humor whatsoever...

Side: Yea!

Nooo i like Avenism! The economy is based solely on love and everybody eats rainbows so it rains alot to make the rainbows but then there is water so its okai and i pay for everyones houses and everyone gets 2 houses for their unicorns and the military sends hugs to people in need because they ar jsut sad in oder places because we are happy in Satana world and we gives free jelly beans to all :)

Side: Yea!
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You blasphemer! Everyone knows that Pastafarianism is the way! Ramen. ;)

Side: I like sadness
2 points

Ah you are right!! The evidence for FSM is overwhelming!! I mean, why else would the planets be shaped like meatballs?! Ramen! I believe! XD

Side: I like sadness
1 point

Yea !

Side: Yea!
1 point

Ridicoulous taxing is definatily a cause. So, yes!


Side: Yea!

People will suffer regardlessly so blaming capitalism is just odd.

Side: I like sadness
2 points

No thanks... I don't mind working for a living. ;)

Side: I like sadness
1 point

Are you lazy? Are sitting on your ass all day instead of working? Are you unable to compete in the free market? Are you dumb enough to believe that taxing the rich and having workers produce less is good for the economy? Try Socialism, the newest product from Failure Industries.

Side: I like sadness
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Fuck off. Many socialists work for a living. .

Side: Yea!
1 point

Socialism is far more oppressive you dumb shit.

Side: I like sadness
Sitara(11075) Disputed
0 points

Which type of socialism, you 15 year old virgin twit? .

Side: Yea!
Rogue Rascal(9480) Disputed Banned
1 point

Statist socialism.

Side: I like sadness
kozlov(1754) Disputed
0 points

Haha, you're funny ...

Side: Yea!
1 point

Are the fruits of your labor being stolen from you by the state? Are you being threatened with jail time for smoking marijuana? Are you being harassed by cops and video tape 24/7? Then you're probably suffering from socialism!

Side: I like sadness
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

I am a proweed democratic socialist. .

Side: Yea!
1 point

I'd rather be 'depressed' and realistic than 'optimistic' and blind.

Side: I like sadness