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 Finally I got one of these deceptive Leftwing debaters to admit they support all Abortions (9)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Finally I got one of these deceptive Leftwing debaters to admit they support all Abortions

This is why I ban cetain deceptive Liberals on this site. After months of debating No Restriction abortions with one individual, and him always saying he does not agree with them or support them, he finally admitted what he truly believes.

He said that it has not been proven that any baby before birth is viable! FINALLY he admitted he does not even believe these late term babies at any stage are proven viable.

Late term babies have been surviving early deliveries for decades now and he sits there telling me it has not been proven that they are viable?
Babies has survived as early as 23 weeks and he sits there spewing that insane denial of proven viablitiy?
This is why he and others are banned. They are complete deceptive fools and it litterally takes months of constant badgering to get them to admit the simple truth of what they actually believe.

It's sad when people have to hide from their true beliefs. This shows how barbaric and inhuman their beliefs are if they must be deceptive to cover their true beliefs on issues.
They are a total waste of time to debate for this very reason. Nothing they say can be trusted to be what they actually believe. They will say anything that keeps them from looking bad.
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1 point

He really does treat this site like a blog.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

No he doesn't. Blogs have some kind of structure.

1 point

What are you crying about today you Poor Little SnowFlake ?????????????

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

FromWithin is crying about abortion as usual. Why is that so hard for you to figure out?

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Abortion ? Abortion has not killed enough of you Leftist yet ?

1 point

Rabid Leftist don't know where to stand they only do so when they are told by their handlers and that would be the Left Wing Media they consume !!!!!!!!!

1 point

Couple issues with this ridiculous self-congratulatory party of his.

He said that it has not been proven that any baby before birth is viable!

Is not saying that this person still supports all abortions. Simply that it hasn't been proven that before birth the baby is viable. Whether or not that's accurate is a topic for another debate.

IF....and I say IF the person he was debating with actually did 100% admit he was ok with all abortions, at any time....that will never speak for all Leftwing debaters. Never. So this whole "they support all abortions" malarkey is just nonsense.

1 point

You are trying to make sense of someone who thinks that only conservatives are asking for smaller government and his only issue is how to make the government control of abortion stronger. It is impossible.

1 point

I think this is the discussion he is referring to. With NKoreahowfarareyouwillingtobackTrump#arg834744

And as you can see in the counterargument it's clear I made no such admission. And then instead of discussion the details he just bailed out and went back to his standard smears.

He got nothing.

But since he has no life and launched his debate after I'd signed off for the day he got a temporary illusion that he did. Which is probably all he needs to keep his fragile ego afloat.