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I agree. I disagree.
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:32
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 I agree. (9)
 I disagree. (11)

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Sitara(11080) pic

Freedom of speech is a two way street.

Freedom of speech unchallenged is not a right. That would violate someone else's right to freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a two way street.

I agree.

Side Score: 12

I disagree.

Side Score: 18
3 points

Freedom of Speech is a two way street. However, it is also simply a pipe dream... there isn't and hasn't ever been 'freedom of speech'.

Side: I agree.
Plutarch(13) Disputed
1 point

Not true Keith1988, Freedom is more like the autobahn of Germany. It allows everyone to express their concerns about a certain issue.

Side: I disagree.
2 points

In Europe we call it 'freedom of expression'. Its what's known as a qualified right. That is that its a right that must be exercised un balance with other peoples rights. One that its often in conflict with is the right to privacy. Newspapers want to express things about peoples lives whereas some of those people want it to remain private.

Side: I agree.
1 point

Thank you. You are so right. My rights and your rights must be balanced. If my "freedom" violates your rights, it is oppression of you, not true freedom. Tell me more about your laws? :)

Side: I agree.

Basically yeah. If someone says:

"The Earth is flat like a pancake and God made da sky blue and da birdies fly and Adam and Eve in a magical garden with rainbows and den dey ated a magical apple dat a meanie weenie snake told them to eat!"

Then that's absolutely their right and i would never tell them they cant say that. However, i then have the freedom of speech to say:

"You are so fucking retarded I'm surprised your heart remembers to beat, go color a picture and chew on crayons you waste of space"

Side: I agree.
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

And I have the right to call you a bigoted bitch, see how that works? .

Side: I disagree.

Precisely! And likewise i can call you a boneheaded, problematic, drama-queen :)

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

I was teasing you. I do not think that you are a bigoted bitch. .

Side: I agree.

With freedom of speech comes responsibility. People cannot abuse it with Cyberbullying.

Side: I agree.
1 point

I agree with freedom of speech but there has never been total freedom of speech any where.

Side: I agree.

Expecting other people not to use their right to freedom of speech does not infringe on your right to freedom of speech.

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

That is what I am saying. .

Side: I agree.
1 point

I agree with GuitaristDog, others people's right of free speech does not cut off or suppress yours. It guarantees that all ideas are covered before a decision is made, which is in the best interest of everyone else involved.

Side: I disagree.

How can you violate someone else from their freedom of speech by using your own freedom of speech? I mean ... can you talk someone to silence?

Talk if you want to talk, someone else's talk shouldn't keep you away from speaking, and if it is then it is your problem.

Side: I disagree.
0 points

That is what I am trying to say actually. For example, you say something, then I say something in response. We both used freedom of speech. Neither one of us has the right to expect other people not to use theirs, you see what I am saying? :)

Side: I disagree.

Yeah sure. But I just disagree that you can use your freedom of speech to violate others' freedom of speech :)

Side: I disagree.
2 points

This is nonsensical because it is a one way street.-------

Side: I disagree.

True freedom doesn't even exist, with out responsibility and consequences.

That includes the things you're allowed to say, do, or express. It's illegal in America to reveal classified information about the government, by word of mouth, or by media.

A student in any public school in America, can be put out of class, put in detention, or even suspended for the words they say or even don't say.

As for it being a two way street, it's barely a one way street.

Side: I disagree.
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

You are wrong. .

Side: I agree.
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I personally disagree. Does that sound better. .

Side: I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I guess, but I don't understand how to argue with a statement like that.

Side: I agree.