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 FromWithin compares voting for a prochoice Dem, to voting for a KKK member. (9)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

FromWithin compares voting for a prochoice Dem, to voting for a KKK member.

Argument, ad absurdem.
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2 points

I'm sure she would happily vote for a KKK member if he or she said they were "pro-life", regardless of their record on racism, murder and lynching, after all, she voted for Trump …. who HAD been pro-choice until he found he could get more votes from evangelicals than he could get from Democrats. It makes little difference to her what a persons feelings about religion, women, race, Judaism, or "actual babies" are, as long as they SAY they will protect a fertilized egg IN THIS COUNTRY. She doesn't give a DAMN about a Kurdish fetus or child, or mother, or an African fetus, or child, or mother.

Funny, Jesus would not be considered a "white man" today, he was "middle-eastern". Go figure...…… ;-)

Right? ...........................................................................................................................................................................

She doesn't give a DAMN about a Kurdish fetus or child, or mother, or an African fetus, or child, or mother.

These Tea Party nutjobs are all as crazy as each other. She probably lives in a whole community full of them.

Aur0ra(158) Disputed Banned
1 point

you would know all about a TEA PARTY as the brit that you are. how does the socialist burrito fit into the english society. how does a burrito go with your yorkshire gold.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Funny you are such a lying fool!...................................................................................

1 point

How Christian of you............................................................................................................................................................

1 point apersonvotesforaKKKmemberforPresidentishesupportingracismOfcourseYES Proven wrong. You don't have the right to say that I am a liar, when I have evidence that i am telling the truth.