
Debate Info

So what Petophiles
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 So what (1)

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TrailorTrash(131) pic

Gay Men's Chorus faces backlash for 'we're coming for your children' video

San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus faces backlash for 'we're coming for your children' video

So what

Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

By now most people accept the existence of those with deviant sexual orientations and other oddities without bias or prejudice.

What a lot of straight people do object to however is having these peculiar people ramming their unorthodox sexual preferences down our throats and involving our children in their freakish sexual attraction.

Gay Pride,

Gay Rights

Gay Parades, are just three of the endless bombardment of slogans and demonstrations designed to promote these abnormal sexual tendencies.

Live and let live, that's my motto.

If you're gay, trans or whatever great, more power to you, but for God's sake stop bellowing about your abnormality/abnormalities and leave the rest of us, especially our children, alone.

Just get on with whatever it is you do and don't expect a medal for being peculiar, we don't want to know.

Side: So what
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