
Debate Info

Debate Score:15
Total Votes:17
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 YES! (4)
 NO! (8)

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Debate22(27) pic

Girls are better than boys!

FrownGirls are better than boys???


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 10
2 points

I'm not saying yes , and I'm not saying no . We equal ^___^

Side: YES!


Girls are girls and boys are boys...

dats that...

Side: YES!
0 points

I just think that girls are better than boys. I am not just saying because I am a girl.According to studentssurvey. com, over 80 percent of girls tend to show better performance in schools than boys by keeping up good grades in every subject.

Side: YES!
1 point

So girls are better at jumping through hoops and kissing ass than boys are? This is supposed to be a good thing?

Side: NO!
Raven01(10) Disputed
1 point

Ummm. Duh.

Women traditionally have done poorly in school compared to boys.

On went the waterworks and schools were changed to not only be more female inclusive but also male-punitive.

When girls fail it is the systems fault, when boys fault we hear, "What is wrong with boys?"

I can almost smell the sexism.

Side: NO!
123456789101(86) Disputed
1 point

THATS only because most teachers are female and favor girls stupid

Side: NO!
1 point

How old are you?

Side: YES!
2 points

I'm a girl but in my opinion this topic is very immature and stupid. I'm by no means saying no for the reason that I think guys are better. I simply think both are as "good" as eachother. Girls and boys are different and have different qualities and interests. Of course everyone has their own opinion on what qualities are better but guys and girls are just human beings and human beings are equally good.

Side: NO!
1 point

I agree. This is an idiotic topic that has no use other than provoking people. Both sexes have different traits, and that about sums it up.

Side: NO!

And the sexist debate of the week award goes to...

Side: NO!
1 point

At football and basketball? Boys are overwhelmingly generally better.

What are we talking about?

Side: NO!
1 point

Ah all you feminists and your "were better" shit! Jesus better at what? You want equal rights, thats fine. However, when was the last time anyone saw a mens only thing. Possibly a football team. But thats it. Women have women only hotels, restaurants, shops, even park benches for Christs sake. And of course you can never say any of these things or you'll be accused of being sexist. It is a biological fact that on average the male species (human) is stronger physically, and has a better kinetic mindset. Now, for all you eager womans rights activists out there, if you want equal rights, then fine have them, but don't try to belittle us men. We have rights too!

Side: NO!