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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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pakicetus(1455) pic


This is probably the last you'll hear from me (or not, depends really).

I've gotten a bit sick of the site, and between the manhood101 flamers and Srom calling me stuff, I've decided it's best for me to go, at least for a while.

So, this is goodbye guys. Thanks for all teh lolz and good times.

Wish you all the best >:)


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5 points

Well that is unfortunate. Can you not just abstain from interaction with the offending parties, and ignore them when they contact you?

Either way, best of luck to you in life.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
1 point

Can you not just abstain from interaction with the offending parties, and ignore them when they contact you?

There were several other factors aside from that. The site isn't that big either so it's somewhat difficult to avoid someone.

Appreciate the kind words though :)

That's too bad, although I can't say I blame you considering all the trolls and drama that frequent this site. I got sick of it too and left for a while, but I eventually came back. I'm sure I'll get sick of it again and then come back again. I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment. If you find a better debate site let me know. Good luck to you.

2 points

Will miss having you around, but I understand. Thanks for the prank and pretty music. Oh, and the debates too I suppose. ;)

2 points

Thanks :)

I know who you are.

There's no hiding it anymore.

Reveal your true identity!

Intangible(4934) Clarified
2 points

I'm kidding I am just crazy. Heehee.

You will be missed. :((((

I like you. Check messages? .

1 point

Dude... why even say goodbye? Just take a break and don't bother telling anyone. If you decide to come back, then this debate is going to look silly.

pakicetus(1455) Clarified
2 points

I'm not taking a break :P

I don't really plan on coming back, so I'd rather leave some closure if I never do.

Also, looking silly and watching people flip out is funny as hell :B

1 point

Easily understood, I never really spoke to you but you'll be missed none the less. Goodbye :)

1 point

Byseybye y'all ;)

(Hint, a goodbye I only give on special occasions :P)

You are still here I see I am too late.

1 point

Turns out I have no life beyond CD :D