
Debate Info

Let him go! Fry Him!
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:37
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 Let him go! (6)
 Fry Him! (9)

Debate Creator

Thejackster(518) pic

GuitarGuy on Trial: Guilty or Innocent?

GuitarGuy is been accused of the horrible crime of spitting a sunflower seed in a persons eye, what say you?

Let him go!

Side Score: 9

Fry Him!

Side Score: 13
1 point

I thought you said that I would be sent on a vacation to the tropical location known as "Guantanamo Bay"?

Side: Let him go!
Thejackster(518) Disputed
0 points

I thought about punishing you the Bush/Obama way, but then I decided to do it the Founding Fathers way, by giving you a fair trial.

Side: Fry Him!

Give him a fair trial and then fry him ;)

Side: Fry Him!

I wonder in who's eye he spat. And if he did it then possibly it was worth it for him. I would let him enjoy his victory!

Side: Let him go!
0 points

I heard the person had it comin'.

Side: Let him go!
0 points

This is the stupid stuff that puts most people off. NOBODY CARES about your pseudo vendetta.

Side: Let him go!
Thejackster(518) Disputed
1 point

I don't have a vendetta against him, it was a joke relating to a debate we had over sunflower seeds

Side: Fry Him!
3 points

Don't forget to smother him with butter so that he doesn't stick to the pan.

Side: Fry Him!
1 point

LOL! That was actually pretty funny.

Side: Fry Him!
0 points

Actually I thought it was too.... I considered up-voting him but..... meh.

Side: Fry Him!