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Debate Score:53
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KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Halloween Danger: Is Trick or Treat a Form of Begging?


Side Score: 18


Side Score: 35
2 points

I suppose, as part of an old tradition. I however don't think that inherently makes it a danger.

Side: yes
2 points

Halloween in my neighbourhood is just plain scary, and not the festive kind of scary either. We had some guy yell trick or treat in our letterbox but when I looked out the window he was standing there with about 5 friends and one of them had a cricket bat. Luckily my dad decided to come home from work just that moment and "accidently" hit one of them with his car.

You could say trick or treat is just begging but that's like saying wanting presents on your birthday is begging, it's just another traditional event that has gone out of hand due to the media or marketing.

Side: yes
1 point

Did ya get a squiggly line with neighbourhood? Hehehe! LOL

Side: yes

Yes, there are college students who still trick or treat. It is almost an sense of entitlement.

Side: yes
1 point

Ok, so we are starting debates in class today and i'm suppose to tell the class why Halloween IS a form of begging. So, if you were to support halloween being a form of begging. what would you say?

Side: yes
1 point

Of course it's begging - the first wave started ringing the doorbell tonight and, as I didn't have any kind of sweets, gave money instead. Which was eagerly taken with mother watching from the pavement! If the children only called at friends, neighbours and relatives, you could call it fun. Calling on perfect strangers, it's plain begging and only the poor with unscrupulous parents do it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Just noticed how this forum works: the more you support Trick or Treat, the more points you get. You should have said !!!!

Side: Yes

But it is an innocent form of begging for candy. Children love Halloween.

Side: Yes
10 points

Yes and No. I guess it could technically be considered a form of begging but because it's Halloween......nah. If it were any other day of the year, then yes, it's probably begging.

Side: No
funspot(4) Disputed
1 point

If I saw rich kids go trick and treating at Halloween, then I might agree - so the answer to your ambivalent reponse has to be, yes, it's begging.

Side: Yes
5 points

Halloween is the only holiday worth celebrating .

Side: No
2 points

It's my second favorite after Independence Day !

Side: No
1 point

Yeah, Independence Day is good too...I like candy a little better than firecrackers, lol...Thanksgiving is ok too because you pig out! :)

Side: No

Your name matches perfectly with it.

Side: No
3 points

Halloween is my favorite time of the year .

Side: No
3 points

Mine too! Trick or treat...smell my feet :) .

Side: No
2 points

Foot fetish, huh? Okay, I can work with you there. lol ; )

Side: No
2 points

Stinkfoot !

Side: No
2 points

Due to its popularity most of kids including us enjoy the fun of getting free candies and not any monetary reward which must beggars seek out for.

Side: No
2 points

if people celebrates Halloween, it would mean that they are able to afford their own candies... (-_-)ll

Side: No