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Debate Score:10
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Vermink(1944) pic

Has anyone read the book "the fault in our stars"?

Would you recommend it? I was thinking of buying and reading it :P

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2 points

It's fun, it's relaxing and it's a great way to stay in shape .

1 point

Ha. Family Guy references...

Yeah. It's useful, annoying and a great way to troll people. ^^

1 point


1 point

Sorry, I have not read it.

1 point

It's soooo good! It really well written, it's fairly funny, and it's really sweet and sad. I'd totally recommend it.

2 points

I know what you mean I brought it yesterday and I've just finished it! I don't think I've been so emotionally involved with a book before in my life! But seriously that book was amazing!

1 point

It's eh. I like the author much more than I like his books. xD Uhm. I suppose the book was 'okay', just not up to my standards.