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auyeungyat(72) pic

Have you lost a (good)friend?

Have you lost a (good)friend?

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3 points

"Oh where did I go wrong

I lost a friend

somewhere along in the bitterness

and I would have stayed up with you all night

had I known

how to save a life"

3 points

yea, happens allot with me but nothing is as painful as the way i lost this friend, we were bestfriends. i was 5 he was 7 when we first met, we were so close and we shared everything including food. A month ago, he passed away, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A bomb exploded where he was at and his entire face was no longer recognizable. Luckily, he passed right away and supposedly felt the minimum amount of pain possible, that was what everyone said. it is soooo painful to lose a very good friend that way, its like, suddenly they are out of your life and they will never return. you can't do anything to get them back or be with them anymore. oh and i am 19, he was 21. may his soul rest in peace. <3

1 point

I think that losing a good friend is a painful experiences

people come and go in one way or another... as long as i stick around, thats all that really matters.

ive had some "good" friends die

and ive pushed a lot of "good" friends out of my life permanently.

When I was really young I had this Japanese friend but he moved back to Japan so I suppose I lost him.

I had another friend after that who moved schools and I stopped seeing but looking back on him, he was a sod so he wasn't really much of a loss.

You do realize that they have e-mail, internet, and facebook in Japan..., right? Just saying ;)

1 point

Well there isn't really any point in e-mailing some one you haven't seen since you were about 6 years old.

All of them. They annoyed me.

1 point

Yea, you move towns, you change schools, you get a different job. You're bound to lose some friends along the way.

1 point

I have admitted into a secondary school this year.On that time,I have know a new friend named Yundi.On that day afterwards,We went to the school library to do homwork together.

Afterwards I have argued with him because of the class officer because he teased me.Then we were enemies and I thought that I have lost a good friend...

I think that I am writing a review passage...

1 point

Of course. We were best friends since kindergarten but at one point she made a decision that I am not good enough for her and we both took out separate ways.

Years ago, a good friend/cousin was murdered. It was very hard to get over.