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 Here's that slippery slope of PC Transgender lunacy. Men are allowed to race as women! (3)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Here's that slippery slope of PC Transgender lunacy. Men are allowed to race as women!

As I have always said, the slippery slope of political correctness with all these LGBTQLMNOPRSUVWXYZ groups will lead to a twisted culture where there is no longer simple common sense right or wrong.

Bigoted Liberals have got to be the most stupid life form in the universe! In their fanatical quest to undermine our nation's Christian heritage, they have lifted up the agendas of every dysfunctional group out there.

Competition and sports will be destroyed by men with disorders who want to compete as women. Where will this lunacy end? It will end with America's collapse from within.

Our family unit is falling apart and our children are the victims. The Left has all the compassion in the world for every weird unnatural group of people out there, but when it comes to our children's well being? They could not care less.
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3 points

Now this I actually do, in a way, agree with. Even if a man changes genders his physiology is still the same in terms of muscle mass and abilities. I would be curious what others think of this as it's something I go back and forth with.

1 point


If they want to designate a separate term (i.e. gender) for psychological pre-dispositions, programming, etc.--okay. However, that does not subtract from the necessity of identifying biological sex--which is, rather obviously, the intended purpose behind the separation of Male and Female athletic competitions (as well as other things). Now, we can debate about whether the sexes necessarily should or must be separated for these contests (I think there is room for both, personally)--yet, that is still in the context of what I previously mentioned.

Also, just to note, physiologically, the major differences between male and female sexes comes down to (A) Testosterone levels (B) Bone structure; size, mass, density

1 point

What's next? So called transgender boys in school competing in school sporting events. How would you like your daughter wrestling with boys, taking showers and getting dressed in the same locker rooms.

This twisted anti God Liberal culture will destroy this nation.
