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 Here's the Progressive mentality. If the Deplorable's elect trump.....BURN THE FLAG! (14)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Here's the Progressive mentality. If the Deplorable's elect trump.....BURN THE FLAG!

Can you imagine our young people being educated by Progressive Colleges that take down the flag in response to our democratic election. These are the same pious enlighened compassionate Progressives that espouse tolerance and open mindedness towards diversity of thought.

Hmmmmmm, lets see, how are Progressives reacting to a diverse America fed up with the arrogant Liberal thought police? These open minded ones are threatening to leave the nation (LOL, we wish), they burn our Flag, some Colleges take down our flag, they spew out all kinds of hatred and intolerance towards all those irredeemable people who had the audascity to vote against a Progressive criminal.

I don't know about you, but somehow I am missing the tolerant open minded part of their ideology. Maybe some of the Progressive folks on this site can explain how all this tolerance for diversity of thought actually works.

So lets see, if people vote a person who does not think like a good Progressive, these same people are therefore deplorable and irredeemable. Sorry, I must have missed the tolerance towards diverity of thought part of the equation. Please explain it to us all.

So tell me, to be open minded, does one burn the flag when all people are not in lock step with the collective? I'm still missing something to this compassionate Progressive language.

This must be some new kind of politcal correct English. Words actually mean the opposite of what we always were taught in school.

I'm sure one of the Progressive stalkers on this site will soon be at this debate showing their new political correct type of tolerance for my beliefs and opinions.
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1 point

This is another one of those scenarios where I actually partially agree with you (which actually should amaze you) but I have one important difference and it's just going to piss you off.

I agree with you that people from all political perspectives in the USA should honor the democratic process and give the President elect a chance. And I'll also agree that many of the forms of protest people are doing right now really accomplish very little and are childish because they lost.

But here's where I disagree. I fully support free speech and flag burning has been ruled a valid form of free speech. In fact I really don't even find it any more offensive then burning an effigy of someone, or burning a cross, or even of the classic flaming bag of dog doo left on a porch.

Now unleash your hate on me for speaking my mind.

And no, these were not progressive or liberal comments, these are independent moderate comments.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I have no hate for anyone. What I have is total disbelief in the hypocrisy from the Left.

As you ALWAYS DO, you partially agree just before you ALWAYS dissagree.

I know very few people who do not agree with the right of others to do stupid things. As always you missed the ENTIRE POINT!

This debate was not about people's rights to act stupidly.

The entire debate was about the supposed tolerance and open mindedness for diversity of thought by the Left. You refused to address the question I asked of you. Try reading the debate once more, and you will see a question posed to you TWICE!

1 point

As you ALWAYS DO, you partially agree just before you ALWAYS dissagree.

This is why people accuse you of not debating. You make this accusation whenever anyone says anything. You only find yourself in 'agreement' with someone if they say exactly what you already believe and challenge nothing. You don't want to debate, you want your worldview confirmed and you accuse everyone who isn't confirming your worldview to be a mindless hypocritical left-wing drone.

And if you accuse me of being off topic, as you said, this debate is about 'open-mindedness for diversity of thought.'

Grenache(6053) Disputed Banned
1 point

No, I was spot on. But just like my peer points out you view anything other than identical agreement with you to be leftist and wrong.

No one? Not one Progressive is willing to address this total lack of tolerance and open mindedness by those on the Left?

Why does the Left constantly use these words to describe themselves, and then spew the closed minded intolerance towards people who do not think like they think.

1 point

I am a liberal, and I would die before I burned the flag....................................

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are the same hypocrites who would never burn our flags while saying NOTHING about the idiots doing it. Yes we all know that idiots have the right to burn the flag, but guess what? We all have the right to call these idiots the traitorous morons they are.

People like you are slient because the people and Liberal colleges supporting it reside in your Liberal circles.

You are the same hypocrites who say you are against aborting viable late term abortions for any reason up to birth, while you vote for the very people keeping it legal.

Your words are just noise becuse there is nothing to back them up.

Sitar(3680) Clarified
2 points

Repetiton does not make you right...................................................

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Again, it is hard to read because I am visually disabled. My eyes got tired. I would rather die than burn the American flag, but I do not think people should be arrested for free speech. Liberty for all, or liberty not at all. I will post a debate on this, what should the title be?

1 point

What exactly do you think being open minded means? Do you think being open minded means changing political affiliation whenever a new president is elected?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

WOWOWOWOW, that was actually addressing the topic without any insults!

You know full well what Progressives are claiming when they constantly speak to open mindedness, diversity and tolerance for others.

Open minded means being polite and respectful to people with differing beliefs, opinions, etc.

DEPLORABLE!!!! IRREDEEMABLE!!!! Does that sound open minded to you? Does that sound tolerant of people who think differently?

Colleges and students burning flags in protest to the American people electing a diverse President that does not share the Left's Liberal politics.

Does that sound tolerant for people's beliefs?

Cartman(18192) Clarified
0 points

Burning a flag has nothing to do with being open minded. They aren't rejecting any ideas being presented so you can't judge anything about their open mindedness. Not liking the president has nothing to do with being tolerant of other people's belief.

You know full well what Progressives are claiming when they constantly speak to open mindedness

Yes. I know what they mean. You frequently misunderstand what things mean. That's why I asked you what you think it means. I can only conclude you are a progressive if you want to use the progressive version of open mindedness.

1 point

Burning the flag would surely be idiotic and childish.

They shouldn't really have revolted against their masters in such a terrible manner. It is a system they accepted, so it'd be just idiotic to do it.

I'd say that they are as liberal as you are conservative.

Revolting against their masters childishly.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What you ALWAYS MISS is that they are hypocrites who hate it when the Right simply disagree with their politics. The Right doesn't burn flags and blame America when people elected Obama twice! We hated the fact that Liberalism had finally gotten a Liberal elected as President, but we did not run to the streets in protest, burning buildings, burning flags, taking down the flag at Colleges, etc. etc.

You can't have it both ways. Quit spewing the lies of tolerance of diversity when the Left is the biggest offenders of it.

0 points

Not all liberals burn the flag, no liberal would elect Trump.................................

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point


Where is the Left's tolerance and open mindedness for diversity of thought?

This debate is not about burning the flag. It's about intolerant people acting out violence and disruptive behavior simply because of the choice of Americans to elect trump.

That is not tolerant or open minded. It is closed minded and intolerant of diversity of thought. To these intolerant people, Americans who voted for trump are deplorable and intolerant. You tried to elect Hillary who called millions of trump voters just that.

Your so called compassion, open mindedness and tolerance is a complete lie!

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I am a liberal out of many who support freedom of belief rights. What really is your point?

Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

I am a liberal out of many who support freedom of belief rights. What really is your point?