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 Hillary Clinton got a beat down (6)

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Hillary Clinton got a beat down

The resident Communist on CNN by the name of Van Jones is really upset by the Hillary defeat. His racism is well documented in his own words. Here is part of his rant.

CNN’s political commentator Van Jones had a deeply emotional reaction shortly before President-elect Donald Trump was announced to have won, Wednesday night.

Jones choked up as he delivered a powerful statement, saying that electing Trump is a whitelash against a changing country and a black president. For people who don’t know, whitelash is a contraction of white backlash and is defined as “backlash from white racists against black civil rights.”

Obviously Van Jones is and has been misguided on what color Hillary Clinton is. Van Jones disapproves of the White Vote and why would a Communist as Van Jones is disapprove of anyone voting ?


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Van Jones was referring to the backlash, or 'whitelash' against the first black president of the United States.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Van Jones is a racist and his comments show he is that. Why would there be such racism in his words.

1 point

Has anyone connected not only will Trump Bday on the day he begins office, he will be 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days his 1st day in office.

But even his name Trump is significant. Triumphant - TRUMP-ET as in Revelations - a Trumpet sounding

Also his stage name is significant "The Donald" Means "Ruler of The World"

Another thing I was thinking, Trump is brash and bullish as Trump is, bu would if he was designed that way on purpose?

What if God groomed his personality and skills and his wealth, were all groomed by design in him.

The Spirit of the Age is so thick, and media hates conservative values and they are like politicians themselves, their just not elected politicias. They are led by agenda and appointed by corruption and steering.

Anyone going against the globalization movement of liberals would have had the same severe beating.

It was a full on media attack. With steering and staging, a media circle that was off the chart! Even threatening and violent. I dont know why, but I believe God made Trump for this time on purpose.

I am inclined to think that Trumps with his hard outer shell, which God hardened. Yet at the same time unlike with Pharoah the ruler of the world through Egypt.

God hardened Pharaoh's heart. But with Trump even though he has a hard outer shell, God seems to have softened his heart toward God's people.

Trump was the only person that could have faced off with the Clinton machine with her paying top dollar to annihilate her opinion and the media one sided.

The only person for the job to campaign against Hillary was Trump.

God sent someone he groomed to be everything he is, including his brash ways. He was designed for this moment in time!

So you're saying Trump is the antichrist?

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Obviously not. He was slowing it down.

The time isnt ready, thats why Hillary lost.

Open your eyes and see whats behind it all.

Its the spirit of the age and that is spirit of antichrist.

Globalization and the co-exist one world religion is to empower a one world government over our lives and our souls.

God commands us to self govern, even if it costs us everything even our lives. Ruling in goodness, rewarded but not in self-elevating The greatest is the least.

We are commanded to direct our own lives, and be captains of our own souls. WhenbHe put man in the garden, He told him to subdue all the earth.

Only truth, goodness, mercy, can truely be free. America was listening for God and heard Him in 1776

To co-exist in pollitical correct (in)tolerance is to live in a dark pit of collectivism, like an unmarked grave.

1 point

Hillary was beat down, I agree with that. Beat down by those who convinced others of the many imaginary things she is purported to have done Most of which were pure SMOKE, with the vaguest of "proof". I think it was Goebbels who said: "Tell a lie loud enough and often enough, it becomes truth."