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 Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality (30)

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dadman(1703) pic

Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality

The wrath of God is divided into a number of elements. There is eschatological wrath. That is the wrath that will fall on the earth at the end of human history in a time called the time of Tribulation. There is sowing and reaping wrath. That is the wrath of God that comes consequent on sin--whatever a man sows, he reaps. There is cataclysmic wrath. That is the wrath of God that He sets on man from miraculous use of the natural order, such as the Flood, or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity. So there is that wrath of God which is eschatological and which is consequential and which is cataclysmic. And then there is that wrath of God which is eternal wrath, and that would be the wrath of God unleashed on the ungodly forever in the punishments of eternal hell ....

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Just because a book is really old doesn't make it less of a fairy tale.

You can't justify anything by quoating the Bible. You can't justify an action solely based on your invisible superman no one has ever had any type of recorded contact with.

Stryker(849) Banned
1 point

I'm not aware of anything pointing to a "Campaign for Immorality", but rather a shift in what is socially acceptable. "Campaign for Immorality" implies some coordinated effort to increase the prevalence of immorality itself, not people rallying for the acceptability or legality of what they believe to be moral, or amoral.

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

"I'm not aware of anything pointing to a "Campaign for Immorality" .... you are not "aware" of much ... par for the course ??

"legality of what they "believe" to be moral, or amoral" .... money is "amoral" ... sex is either moral or immoral ... someone find this man a clue .. lol

Stryker(849) Disputed Banned
1 point

you are not "aware" of much

Perhaps not, why don't you explain this "Campaign for Immorality" I seem to have missed.

money is "amoral" ... sex is either moral or immoral

Is this just your guess, or do you have an argument to support this assertion?

0 points

the sins of Romans 1 are now the promoted agenda and platform of the democrat party .. .. come and learn

Romans 1 warns not affirms depravity

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 .... do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God .. do not be deceived .. neither fornicators .. nor idolaters .. nor adulterers .. nor effeminate .. nor homosexuals .. nor thieves .. nor the covetous .. nor drunkards .. nor revilers .. nor swindlers .. will inherit the kingdom of God ..

such were some of you .. but you were washed .. but you were sanctified .. but you were justified in the name of .. the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God

There is nothing wrong with a consensual marriage between two men or two women. Love is love. The Bible supports my position?

2 points

No it doesn't. No where, as I recall, does the bible say love is love no matter what, but the bible claims homosexuality to be an abomination in the eyes of God.

lolzors93(3225) Disputed
2 points

Love is love.

Love is love. That doesn't mean that one should be married to the person they love.. I love my cats, but that doesn't mean I should marry them. I love my parents, but that doesn't mean I should marry them.

1 point

Gays have rights. Whether you like them or not is irrelevant to whether they have the same rights as you.

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

"nothing wrong with a consensual marriage between two men or two women" .... shoot, why not make it 3 or 5 .... lol

2 points

If giving women the right to vote, why not give animals the right to vote? Why not let plants vote?

Your argument is weak!

1 point

shoot, why not make it 3 or 5 .... lol Slippery slope fallacy. Marriage equality does not lead to polygamy.

dadman(1703) Disputed
1 point

"The Bible supports my position" .... you display your scripture / I'll display mine .... go

1 point

In 2 Samuel 1:26, David loves Jonathan more than women. Not only that, but the same Hebrew word "ahabah" is used for both types of love.