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 How do innovations in science and technology impact society? (23)

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fruits1928(47) pic

How do innovations in science and technology impact society?

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3 points

By changing our diet.

By changing the way we take care of ourselves.

By changing the way we travel.

By changing the comfort of our homes.

By changing the way we communicate.

By changing the types of work we do.

Oh hell. The list of what it does not change would be a lot shorter.

Lets see.

Innovations in science and technology impact society --------------------

in every way.

BruceStinne3(24) Disputed
4 points

They don't change it all the time, it's more of making it simpler. Like instead of masturbating we now have pocket pussies.

1 point


And that is also a great analogy .

2 points

By constructing new ways to make it [society] better (aka lazier). (I mean really 'self-driving cars'? I understand unmanned drones, but manned cars just driving itself...?) Next they're going to invent a self-cutting lawn mower (which they probably already have).

There are certain things that could be easier and less dangerous (construction etc) but, lest they want Americans to remain the most obese country, then I would suggest the most constructive elements remain non-revolutionized (mowing lawns etc).

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

How would self driving cars makes someone obese? Hardly burns a lot of calories moving the steering wheel. As well as it bring a fact that self driving cars are much much safer than those driven by a driver. The Google cars have yet to have a crash.

Harvard(666) Clarified
2 points

Its more so the laziness than the exercise. It doesn't take that much thought effort already to drive so to limit that miniscule effort by constructing self-driving cars is a bit unnecessary.

I can also, if you wish, go into detail why an autonomous car is as equally problematic as the contrary (system failure; malfunctions; genius hackers overriding the cars system, etc.).

1 point

They make our lives more efficient and allow us to do more for less. I was married to my ex-wife for 7 years. Every year I spent an average of $297 on her (includes dinners, birthdays, etc...) After purchasing an Oculus Rift and installing virtual reality porn, I eliminated the need for a wife. Now that we are divorced, I save around $300 a year on relationship expenses.

Innovations in science and technology make our lives easier. Innovations in science will lead to cures for diseases.