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 How does.... (2)

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Bohemian(3858) pic

How does....

How does Something intangible, invisible, untestable and unmeasurable differ from that which is imaginary?

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Plenty of people suppose that there are things intangible, invisible, untestable, and immeasurable. Supposing that there are such things is one thing, letting curiosity die is another, and is the nature of theology as I understand it.

Imagination (And therefore everything imaginary) refers to intellectual activity that makes use of our ability to suppose. All suppositions are by definition possible, but certainly they do not always truthfully represent what is objectively real or readily verifiable.

Either that, or I have no idea what I am talking about. :)

Exactly that! I had a moment in physics class where we learnt about the electromagnetic spectrum, and it was like, if there's all these other waves which are pretty much the same as light waves that I'm not seeing, can you imagine the rest that we don't, or just can't comprehend? So, back in the middle ages, say, UV was pretty muchintangible, invisible etc. Still was there, we as humans just weren't (aren't) able to see.

Doesn't mean there's a God, as I assume you're referring to. Doesn't mean there has to be anything, but there's the possibility for anything, beyond our imagination.