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Salah-Eddine(12) pic

How many Scientific Miracles of the Quran can you disprove?

Here is some of them:
11. The Three Dark Stages of the Baby in the Womb 
12. A lump of chewed meat 
13. The Weight of Clouds 
14. The Movement of Mountains 
15. The Mystery of Iron 
16. The Importance of Moving in Sleep 
17. The Ears are Active during Sleep 
18. The Creation in Pairs 
19. Roundness of the Earth 
20. Well-Guarded Canopy 
21. The Returning Sky 
22. The Function of Mountains 
23. The Star That Knocks on The Door 
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1 point

I wouldn’t believe a word said in the Quran as I’ve read it and it’s basically an embarrassingly boring book of bullshit , it even manages to make the Bible look less ridiculous which is no mean feat

Salah-Eddine(12) Disputed
1 point

I see that you can't disprove the Scientific Miracles of the Quran.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

I see you cannot disprove the Quran is a book of bullshit , by miracles do you mean the flat earth as put forward by the Quran 😂😂😂