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RSS Salah-Eddine

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8 most recent arguments.

The Intelligent Design disproved the evolution theory, natural selection...

You believe that all this wonderful creation was made by chance. And no one caused it to happen. This is a fairytale! And Thanks for the entertainment!

Scientists said before that the universe has no beginning. And it was considered as a fact. But now we know the Big Bang which was proven as a FACT through the Expanding Universe. This clearly shows how scientists were clearly wrong with confidence back then. The evolution theory is only supported by atheists so as to support their belief. Same thing for the universe without beginning.

How can anyone still believe the official version of 9/11 after watching the 5 hours "The New Pearl Harbor"?

The government couldn't take the illegal weapons from thugs, gangs, and robbers. So it tries to take the weapons from the citizens making them an easy target for the bad guys mentioned earlier. How smart is that?

It's NOT a fact! Unlike the Big Bang theory which can be proved at any time through the expanding universe. So it became a fact!

I see that you can't disprove the Scientific Miracles of the Quran.

Can a fellow christian answer this unanswered question which I ask many of you guys?

Since the basic doctrine of the christian faith is Trinity, Why there isn't a clear statement in the bible where it clearly says for example: "God is three" or "I am God. So worship me!" So people won't be confused about if Jesus is God or not.

While in Islam, you would find so many statements in the quran saying clearly that "God is one" or "He has no partner", since the basic doctrine of the Islamic faith is the belief in the oneness of God.

Seems like the first cell or cells evolved by chance:

The most important things for a cell are oxygen in order to respire and Glucose, also for respiration. This is used in a process called glycolysis where the cell makes a chemical called ATP which is basically our energy. But then in order for the cell to live and make all its components and proteins and release hormones etc you need lots of essential amino acids (there are 20 in total and put together in the right order they make almost all of you) The cell also needs water because that is what all the chemical reactions take place in. It needs fats because it is surrounded by a fatty membraneto protect it and it needs small amounts of metals because most enzymes have a metal atom at the heart of it and enzymes do all the cutting and gluing and controlling of us. So basically a cell needs lots to stay alive.

The prefect environment for a cell to survive can't exist by chance. Also a cell can't adapt if the environment lacks one of these ingredients. Eventually, it will die which means it cannot evovle in order to adapt with the lack of one of the ingredients.

This is Science ladies and gentlemen. And how life originated and how the first cell came into being are matters of speculation, since these events cannot be reproduced in the laboratory: It is an unfalsifiable theory.


"Statements, hypotheses, or theories have falsifiability or refutability if there is the possibility of testing or observing it to showcase how false or how true it is. They are falsifiable if it is possible to conceive of an observation or an argument which could negate them and in the corollary, conceive of an observation or an argument which proves them. Thus, the term falsifiability is synonymous to testability."

Now here is the best part:

"The concern with falsifiability gained attention by way of philosopher of science Karl Popper's scientific epistemology referred to as "falsificationism". Popper stresses the problem of demarcation—distinguishing the scientific from the unscientific—and makes falsifiability the demarcation criterion, such that what is UNFALSIFIABLE is classified as UNSIENTIFIC, and the practice of declaring an unfalsifiable theory to be scientifically true is PSEUDOSCIENCES"

Ok I admit it's not a theory; It's something worse :p

About Me

"Feel free to ask me!"

Biographical Information
Name: Salah Eddine Benmessaoud
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Morocco
Religion: Muslim
Education: Some College

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