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This many That many
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 This many (8)
 That many (4)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

How many times would Spock say illogical to a liberal?

How many times would Spock use the word "illogical" in a 30 minutes conversation with a die hard liberal?


This many

Side Score: 10

That many

Side Score: 4
2 points

Illogical.... Censoring the freedom of expression to dispaly a nativity scene on public land while at the same time fighting for the right to display the severed head of our President on public College walls.

Illogical....Fighting for the right's of a few boys with Transgender disorders by taking away ALL our daughter's rights to privacy in EVERY public school girl's bathrooms.

Illogical....taking away our right's to concealed weapons for protection against terrorists, rapists on campuses, etc.

Illogical....allowing a proven guilty man to go free because the officer forgot to read him his miranda rights.

Illogical....taking money from Islamic nations (supporting killing Gays and women) for Clinton foundation favors, while claiming you are the party that supports women and gay rights.

Illogical....crucifying Trump for firing Comey, while screaming for Comey to be fired months before.

Illogical....supporting the killing of a viable child right before birth while claiming you care for our children.

Illogical....making it easier for possible terrorist refugees getting in our nation, while claiming you care for American's safety.

Illogical.... not expecting anything in return from people living off tax payers, and then actually expecting these people to go and find work for the same pay they were getting for free.

Illogical....thinking we can give people free healthcare, free welfare, etc. from cradle to grave without total financial collapse.

We could go on and on and on with examples of Progressive's total lack of logic.

Side: This many
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

Hello again, From:

In this great country of ours, the law of the land is the Constitution - NOT your bent right wing idea of logic. Let's review, shall we?

Censoring the freedom of expression to dispaly a nativity scene on public land while at the same time fighting for the right to display the severed head of our President on public College walls.

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

Fighting for the right's of a few boys with Transgender disorders by taking away ALL our daughter's rights to privacy in EVERY public school girl's bathrooms.

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

Illogical....taking away our right's to concealed weapons for protection against terrorists, rapists on campuses, etc.

The Constitution does NOT give you a right to conceal weapons..

allowing a proven guilty man to go free because the officer forgot to read him his miranda rights.

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

taking money from Islamic nations (supporting killing Gays and women) for Clinton foundation favors, while claiming you are the party that supports women and gay rights.

Right wing spew

crucifying Trump for firing Comey, while screaming for Comey to be fired months before.

It's a crime called Obstruction of Justice.. And, it's Constitutional

supporting the killing of a viable child right before birth while claiming you care for our children.

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

making it easier for possible terrorist refugees getting in our nation, while claiming you care for American's safety.

It's right wing spew

Illogical.... not expecting anything in return from people living off tax payers, and then actually expecting these people to go and find work for the same pay they were getting for free.

More right wing spew

Illogical....thinking we can give people free healthcare, free welfare, etc. from cradle to grave without total financial collapse.

Spew, spew, spew

We could go on and on and on with examples of Progressive's total lack of logic.

On and on??? I'm waiting for the 1st..


Side: That many
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Let me just say hogwash to most everything you just said.

Just because arrogant elites twist the Constitution to fit their extremism DOES NOT MAKE IT SO!

What you side is doing IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Side: This many
1 point

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

Shutting down conservative speaking events with violence, death threats, and riots isn't constitutional. You don't seem too concerned.

Side: This many
1 point

It's a crime called Obstruction of Justice.. And, it's Constitutional

Libs wanted Comey's head the week before. (Giggle)

Side: This many
1 point

Whether YOU like it or not, it's Constitutional

1)Here. I'll save us some time. Is abuse of women, forced burka coverings, and half testimony for women in court constitutional? No. But libs couldn't care less.

2)This debate didn't ask about constitutionality. If we pass a constitutional law/amendment that says gays' testimony in court is half, of course you'll be forced to support its constitutionality because...

A)Islam does it, and libs squeel with delight or meet it with silence.

B)It will then be? Constitutional.

And this is why we give blank stares to the left. Every claim comes with stipulations. Liberals should just pass out questionairres to everyone they meet to see if they are of the correct list of races, religions, sexes, etc etc so that they will quickly know whether to kiss your ass, beat you in the street, or call you misoginyst/bigoted, or if you are invincible to any ridicule by default.

Side: This many
1 point

Hello bront:

Lemme see.. You hate libs, gays, trans's, atheists and Muslims.. The FIRST thing Spock would say, as he looked YOU in the eye is, HATE is ILLOGICAL.


Side: That many
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
2 points

There will never be a more illogical issue than killing a viable baby for any reason up to birth. Talk about selling your souls to a radical feminst abortion lobby while calling yourselves the compassionate tolerant ones. ROFLOL, ILLOGICAL TO THE MAX!

How can Liberals even speak to issues of rights when they deny our most vulnerable innocent children their right to life.

Oh I forget, as with slavery these Democrats simply deny that people are people. A Black man was considered less than human because of his skin color, and a viable unborn baby is considered less than human because of their location.

Side: This many
1 point

Leonard Nimoy was a Liberal

And Spock did not fit the conventional liberal vs conservative dichotomy referencetouspoliticsisspockaliberal_or/

There's plenty of illogical thoughts and actions all across the political spectrum.

Side: That many
1 point

Leonard Nimoy was a Liberal

Perhaps, but Spock was not. He was actually quite suspicious of other races because the character used logic.

Side: This many