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 How much would you spend to see your favourite band in concert? (12)

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believeyoume(909) pic

How much would you spend to see your favourite band in concert?

I recently paid $100+ to see AC/DC in concert in Sweden, which, for an unemployed student, is a lot. What's your limit?

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2 points

200, ish. And that's a regular concert. If I could get like backstage pass or something I might be willing to dish out like 300.

And that's just them, i don't wanna see some other band opening or on the side I just want to the band I came for.

Side: two hundred ish
1 point

My favorite band is Jack's Mannequin by the way.


Side: two hundred ish

I would probably spend $350 to go and see Led Zeppelin live.

Side: Capitalism is outwardly consistent as su

Do it to it.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Supporting Evidence: Led Zeppelin Reunion Tour Tickets (
Side: Capitalism is outwardly consistent as su
1 point

Geez. I wish I could tell you, but I haven't been to a concert in a while and I don't know if any amount of money would make me travel far. If it's nearby, I'd still be cheap.

Last concert I went to was Vans Warped Tour 2005. Before that, the only other concert I went to was the Spice Girls when I was 6 in like 1997. I had a huge crush on Baby Spice and made it my juvenile goal to marry her. :D

Side: Capitalism is outwardly consistent as su

I do not really know. I have no favorite band. But I probably would not pay more than 150.

Side: cheap
1 point

I looove tool, and Maynard does an awsome live performance. But there is no way in hell I'm paying more than $100... unless it's like a b-day gift or something for someone. I can get tickets though for way less than that usually.

Side: cheap

I wouldn't spend any more than $150 - 200.00 to see someone I really love!

Side: cheap
1 point

I would sell my kidney on the black market, max out all my credit, hook and so much more to see the Beatles in concert.

I saw the show Rain, and it was okay... But I really wish I could have seen the real thing.

Side: cheap

I paid a $1,000 for a single ticket to see Madonna in concert at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

Side: cheap
1 point

I would pay everything that I have to see Iron Maiden live. I believe that with the help of I will be able to find some affordable tickets to their concert. This means a lot for me and I hope that it will happen.

Side: cheap
1 point

Probably around $100-$150

Side: cheap