
Debate Info

True. Do you truly believe that?
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:33
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 True. (11)
 Do you truly believe that? (11)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

How to win arguments here on CD.


Side Score: 17

Do you truly believe that?

Side Score: 16
4 points

I find asking "why" to bold assertions can help unravel your opponent more quickly, but I often forget to do that here. Why? Why? WHY?

Side: True.
1 point

I can confirm this is an awesome strategy.

Side: True.
2 points

I second this.

But I hardly get the desired effect, because It tends to shut people up or they get emotional and start lashing out because I've questioned their beliefs.

I'd really like to hear their reasoning , but it turns out that a lot of people don't have reasons behind the claims they make. Most likely because they just blurt out the first thing that comes to mind just so they can be part of the conversation.

Side: True.

don't believe me? Want to try it? ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
2 points

See what I did there? ;)

Side: True.
2 points

I do believe this is very much the case. If you ask questions you can often expose flaws in their logic and/or help them structure their logic in a way which helps them see a different view of the topic.

Side: True.

You do realize that your argument is not in the form of a question, right? ;)

Side: True.
ironman34698(235) Clarified
1 point

Do you think he realizes that or do you think he did it out of spite? Maybe he's just trying to cause a fight, or wait to post the correct response tonight?

Side: True.
1 point

Mmm, good way to win arguments. Now- if you can tell me how to win t-shirts that'll be something ;)

Side: True.
1 point

I would have to agree with this , I have won many intellectual discussions with my my friends by asking them questions and I have lost many because they asked questions and I didn't . But not all questions work because some of my friends asked a good a question in theory but I quicker destroyed his argument with another question that was superior to his .

Side: True.

Why would you want to win an argument here on CD ?

Side: True.

What if everyone did that? What if people just started answering a question with a question? ;)

Side: Do you truly believe that?
2 points

Does any question work?

Side: Do you truly believe that?

What do you think? ;)

Side: Do you truly believe that?
1 point

Why can you not answer?

Were you not the one who proposed the idea?

Side: Do you truly believe that?
1 point




and source?

Side: Do you truly believe that?
1 point

Why are you asking me for a source?

Source for what? 50 carroterds.

Side: Do you truly believe that?
2 points

Or, you can just 'point out' their flaws in various ways. Mostly, when you ask questions intending for their revelation, they often prevaricate. This does not get anywhere, seeing as how the prevarication leads elsewhere, (which probably includes more flaws.) But if they choose to be incorrigible, well, that's on them. Insofar as it is flawed, there need not be any worry. Just refrain from arguing..

Side: Do you truly believe that?
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Why did the supposed HarvardGrad write an argument ?

Side: True.
HarvardGrad(174) Clarified
1 point

Is this supposed to be a clever question? But if you insist an answer; I wrote an argument to refute the idea of questioning leading to favorability to ones (the questioner) side; and to bring awareness to what 'pointing out flaws' can do.

(Let me guess, this is going to have a following question right?)

Side: True.