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 Human liver created from stem cells in rat. What are your opinions? (4)

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Vermink(1944) pic

Human liver created from stem cells in rat. What are your opinions?


Do you think there ar eany ethical reasons involved with this? Is this an amazing breakthrough? Give me your opinions.

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I think it's fine. I mean it's a liver, and some people need one.

Also I've heard that in theory a human liver works like starfish. If you cut it in the middle, it will grow into two livers. This has been discovered when one of the first people to get a liver biopsy. They cut a tiny piece of the liver, and after a year or two, when the person was for a check, the doctors could not see where the biopsy had taken place, because the liver healed itself, just like starfish do when you cut the tip of one of their arms.

The theory has never been tested, but they believe that you can get two livers from cutting on in the middle. It's kinda amazing if you think about it.

Liam-Wittier(122) Clarified
1 point

That seems odd. If they can grow a liver in a person by making a cut like that why would they try to make one with a rat? It seems like a family member could just donate a piece of theirs.

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

The liver takes a while to heal, so if that theory were to be tested, they would need a donator to lose their liver for 1-2 years.

Also the donator would have to live with the fact that the theory may be false, thus is he going to loose his liver forever.

I think that is probably why it hasn't been tested.

But it is true though - if you make a liver biopsy on someone, their liver will heal and be totally normal after a while.

I don't see how there could be any ethical problems with that. Unless you think it's unfair to the rat maybe.

2 points

I agree I see no problem but you and I know those nut job bible thumpers would shoot off at the mouth saying we are playing God and what not, I say the hell with them, if they think it's playing God then they shouldn't take any medication, not even aspirin, maybe they should pray for a cure, we'll see how that goes for them.

1 point

If this technology would of been around during the Bush era my two uncles would still be alive, they needed kidney transplants and they died because fuck face Bush ban stem cell research, I am happy that Brobama lifted the ban now we can get back to work on healing the sick.