
Debate Info

Too Big An Advantage I Surrender
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 Too Big An Advantage (2)
 I Surrender (2)

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Ebony12(8) pic

I Feel I Have An Unfair Advantage Over The Conservatives Here, In That I'm Not Retarded.

Too Big An Advantage

Side Score: 7

I Surrender

Side Score: 3
5 points

Look folks. A guy that claims there are 71 genders, and that if we take down the West's system, the Chinese won't come with their military and conquer us for being ass hats. He also believes everyone is a Nazi except he, who trashes Jews nonstop...

And there you have it. A mommy's basement dwelling jagaloon. Stare at it before it accidentally kills itself.

Side: Too Big An Advantage
Canibus(77) Disputed
2 points

the Chinese

Are capitalist.


Side: I Surrender
Ebony12(8) Disputed
1 point

Look folks. A guy that claims there are 71 genders, and that if we take down the West's system, the Chinese won't come with their military and conquer us for being ass hats. He also believes everyone is a Nazi except he, who trashes Jews nonstop...

Bronto ADMITTED that he was a convicted child abuser, who isn't permitted within 100 yards of schools. He also comes here every day to vent his sexual frustration on liberals because when he was younger the liberals used to make fun of his big nose and small willy. Life is tough when you have no friends and are sexually attracted to nine year old boys, hey bronto?

Say, how are your kids doing buddy?

Oh wait. You wouldn't have a clue, would you?


Side: I Surrender
PantherOfBog(75) Disputed
1 point

I thought bronto's wife & son both died in a car wreck.

Side: Too Big An Advantage
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