
Debate Info

I Admit It But Mein Furious Mothership
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 I Admit It (1)
 But Mein Furious Mothership (1)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

I Made An Album With 12 Tracks On It this Weekend. What Did You Guys Do?

Let me guess. You bated a lot and you trolled the internet a lot.

I Admit It

Side Score: 1

But Mein Furious Mothership

Side Score: 1
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NomIsDumb(54) Banned
0 points

I made that many raps in one weekend once. They were all better than your tracks.

Side: But Mein Furious Mothership
1 point

I made that many raps in one weekend once.

You can make as many raps as you like, but it won't change the fact that you are clueless about time and pitch. If you can't rap in time or in key then it's hardly fair to call it rap at all.

They were all better than your tracks.

I am quite sure that in your delusional mind they were.

Side: I Admit It
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Brit troll thinks it is some type of rap genius. How well does your delusional mind really work.

Side: I Admit It