
Debate Info

Yes, you're alone. No, I had a shit night too.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Yes, you're alone. (1)
 No, I had a shit night too. (5)

Debate Creator

Billie(790) pic

I had such a terrible evening its unbelievable. Am I alone on this one?

Yes, you're alone.

Side Score: 1

No, I had a shit night too.

Side Score: 8
1 point

Well, it's not evening yet but last night I got drunk, so my night was pretty good! Plus, no hangover today so all is well. Bwhahahaha!

Side: Yes, you're alone.
2 points

6 billion people on this planet, a good chunk of them living in poverty without access to food, water, electricity, health care, education and sanitation. It could be worse.

Side: No, I had a shit night too.
1 point

I haven't slept in at least 5 days, I can't eat much, my body hurts like I have been run over a few times, a have the flu and I have been written up at work for being sick and taking off 3 days. So yes I would consider that to be a terrible week...

Side: No, I had a shit night too.
2 points

That sucks man, I hope you feel better soon. I had a terrible evening also but am going out tonight with my friends so this should up my spirts!

Side: No, I had a shit night too.
1 point

Thanks hope you enjoy your night with your friends and you are right that might help you feel better.

Side: No, I had a shit night too.