
Debate Info

FUCK them gov employees Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 FUCK them gov employees (4)
 Trump can do no wrong (9)

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excon(18262) pic

I'm NOT a furloughed employee, so the shutdown doesn't affect me. We should KEEP it going

FUCK them gov employees

Side Score: 5

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 9
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1 point

I'm NOT a furloughed employee, so the shutdown doesn't affect me. We should KEEP it going

Democrats know what to do. Fund the barrier they promised us before Trump was President, then say it's not a wall, but a fence, and argue semantics like clowns as they usually do.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

Democrats know what to do.

Hello U:

This isn't about the wall.. It's about the SHUTDOWN and the 2020 election.. The Dems DO know what to do.. That is to stand by and watch Trump hoist himself on his own petard..


Side: FUCK them gov employees
Undertaker(15) Disputed
1 point

This isn't about the wall.. It's about the SHUTDOWN and the 2020 election.. The Dems DO know what to do.. That is to stand by and watch Trump hoist himself on his own petard..

If Trump crashed and burned, his life would get better and easier. He's ready to take these Commies in lib clothing down into a muddy hell to expose them and their cushy, corrupt, anti American lifestyles. He has nothing to lose. They have everything to lose. It's time to burn it to the ground.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
DineshDsouza(30) Disputed
1 point

It's about the SHUTDOWN and the 2020 election..

Trump offered DACA protection, and libs rejected it. Libs promised the same barrier pre Trump, and are now holding checks hostage to not give Trump THEIR proposal. Imagine those ads in 2020.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

Trump offered to give BACK, temporarily, a few things he took away.

Whether YOU are, at this time, affected by this shutdown, we ALL will be, eventually. Typical right winger, the only thing they care about is themselves and THEIR money! Terrible people! :-(

Side: Trump can do no wrong

Is the opposite also true?

Typical left winger, they only thing they care about are other people and THEIR money! Terrible people! ;)

Side: Trump can do no wrong