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It isn't Oh, you CAN separate 'em
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:17
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 It isn't (2)
 Oh, you CAN separate 'em (3)

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excon(18262) pic

If I said I HATE Christian CULTURE, how is it anything other than saying I HATE Christians


If I said I HATE black CULTURE, how is that anything other than saying I HATE black people?  If I said I hate WHITE culture, how is that anything other than saying I hate WHITE people??

I'm just wondering..


It isn't

Side Score: 3

Oh, you CAN separate 'em

Side Score: 11
0 points

If somone hates Christian culture, do they not hate Christians? Hoe would liberals feel if I said I hate Muhammad and the Quran?

Side: It isn't
xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
2 points

Hoe would liberals feel if I said I hate Muhammad and the Quran?

I think it is perfectly rational to dislike a man who has done many of the deeds Muhammad is reported to have done and the Quran really is a very dangerous book if taken seriously (just read it yourself).

That doesn't mean that you "hate all Muslims". Rather you have a critique of their beliefs which are just an aspect of their life (not the whole picture). For example, I think Scientology is stupid, but I don't hate Tom Cruise (and he is not necessarily stupid). We are not fully rational agents (in fact, we are largely non-rational) and to point this out is not an ipso facto large-scale condemnation of a person nor group

Side: It isn't
0 points

Wow, we agree! There is hope for you yet!...................................................

Side: It isn't
5 points

Culture is dynamic, complex, and nuanced. Large groups don’t fit into them as easily as supposed.

If I said I dislike Arab culture, that would not preclude from liking Arabs. There may be contexts in which we have a shared culture, and we get along based on the values we share, while politely ignoring those areas of disagreement.

Furthermore, since culture does not strictly correlate with race, ethnicity, or other labels we associate with culture, there are individuals who will not fit the mold. They will not maintaine the culture to which they stereotypically would.

Side: Oh, you CAN separate 'em
3 points

If you hate Christianity it doesn't necessarily mean you hate christian people on an individual basis, for example there are plenty of Atheistic people who want to ERADICATE christianity but that doesn't necessarily mean they want to put christians in gas chambers or feed them to lions, because it is the religion they hate, not the poor foolish victims of it's idiology (pun intended) So yes you can hate a culture or belief system without hating the people following it because christians and other religious people are the victims of brain washing and it's not their fault.

Side: Oh, you CAN separate 'em

Black people isn't a religion or a culture it's a race, if you say you hate black people then you hate black people, if you say you hate christianity then you hate christianity, you may or may not hate christians themselves. If you take judaism as an example, well, their religion is usually connected to their race, their heritage as a jew, but you can still hate judaism without hating the RACE of jews, because judaism is at the end of the day JUST ANOTHER SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEF SYSTEM and their are plenty of people who are racially jewish who don't BELIEVE in the INSANITY and who don't condone chopping baby's foreskins off and sucking their blood and treating people who aren't part of your tribe like subhumans!

Side: Oh, you CAN separate 'em