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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 Agree (12)
 Disagree (1)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be too

This was stated by one of my friends "If marijuana is illegal then so should alcohol. It is worse than marijuana." Do you agree with the statement?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 1
3 points

Alcohol is a far more addictive, damaging, and dangerous drug than marijuana. It would be illegal if it were not so popular.

Side: Agree

The legalization of hemp would be incredibly beneficial to the environment and it is true that it is safer than alcohol.

Side: Agree
1 point

How does hemp benefit the environment? Isnt it a major drug for THC? Alochol isnt really a drug but it is a depressant.

Side: Disagree
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Alcohol is an addictive, mind-altering substance. Explain to me how that is not a drug?

Side: Agree
1 point

Industralized hemp does not contain enough THC to declare it a drug. It is the most versatile plant.

Side: Agree
1 point

A depressant is a type of drug. While there is no standard definition of a drug, I think that alcohol is a drug, like caffeine and tobacco. Alcohol is undoubtedly more harmful than marijuana. There is no Marijuanaholics Anonymous.

Side: Agree
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

A drug is any outside substance that when taken causes changes in the body. Alcohol is technically a drug.

Side: Agree

Now I am going to be a little more honest than one should be perhaps, but as one whom has participated in both, the typical behavioral alterations by marijuana and alcohol are quite different and I find that the high effect is less consequential then the intoxication. When one is either their thinking capabilities are decreased, however with the high effect is gives you a sense of apathy, as well as being prone to paranoia, and desiring caution, the apathy goes hand in hand with the desire to not be bold but rather passive or for lack of better words, chill. You will not feel the need to do anything outrageous when high. Where with being drunk, it too gives you a sense of apathy, with a sense of courage which does not go well with decreased thinking capabilities, the apathy goes hand in hand with boldness, feeling as though you can do anything and feeling like doing something outrageous and not being scared of any consequences. Marijuana has been shown to be less addictive than alcohol for people typically. Illegalizing drugs is good because it discourages the use of said drugs, and drugs being apart of society can greatly affect it, where do we draw the line? well that gets a whole lot more debatable as it gets a lot more arbitrary, however alcohol is significantly more impactful than that of marijuana, thus either both should be legalized, neither, or just marijuana.

Side: Agree
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