
Debate Info

Yes. Hell, no!!!
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Yes. (2)
 Hell, no!!! (8)

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jolie(9809) pic

If marriage did not exist - would you invent it?

Would you go, "Baby!  This shit we got together, it's so good, we gotta get the government in on this shit.  We can't just share this commitment between us.  We need judges and lawyers involved in this shit."


Side Score: 2

Hell, no!!!

Side Score: 10
1 point

If marriage wasn't legally binding and helped with tax and will arrangements upon death, there'd be nothing making it more valid than a non-marriage relationship and weddings would be rendered moot.

Side: Yes.
LogicItself(28) Disputed
2 points


There is nothing valid about taxes, or any other socially constructed anusol shit predicated on brainwashing and superstition. Marriage is just a product of the artificial guidance mechanisms that steer the sheeple into the confines of "normal" behaviour. Here is a translation of what you said:

If a social construct wasn't conceptually binding in the human mind according to arbitrary man made rules and helped with government shakedowns and will arrangements upon death, there'd be nothing making it more valid than a non-arbitrary social construct relationship and social construct ceremonies would be rendered moot.

Side: Hell, no!!!
Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

How does that disprove what I said?

Side: Yes.
1 point

The social conditions which existed when the original legally binding terms of marriage were established bears no relationship to today's society.

Women's rights, gender equality, anti-sexual discrimination in the workplace and feminism all go to make the existing legal requirements included in the contract of marriage to be long since outdated.

Even though we don't hear the feminist brigade demanding equality in the female biased legalities of marriage I still feel this institution should be retained.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Marriage should not be a legal institution. That's the argument we should be having. ;)

Side: Hell, no!!!
1 point

Agreed, government should not be in the business of marriage.

Side: Hell, no!!!
2 points

Fitting that you would pick this side ;)

Side: Hell, no!!!

No, if I had the idea, I’d kill myself so I dont have to put ppl thru abusive relationships.

Side: Hell, no!!!
1 point

Hello j:

The joining of man and woman began long before it even had a name. Nobody invented it.. However, if you're talking about the LEGAL institution of marriage, I'd keep the government OUT of religious affairs.


Side: Hell, no!!!
1 point

Have you lost it can some dare even to raise such a topic..i mean after banning drugs cocaine etc things ..marriage is the big issue that might be stopped ...the emotional reality of marriage is indispensably important...but as a matter of self dependance ...the freedom does overrule ..that feeling of living together...hearts being connected and trust are more than enough to enjoy life honestly ....


Side: Hell, no!!!