
Debate Info

Yes, the Earth will be better No,we are all people
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, the Earth will be better (2)
 No,we are all people (3)

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khunjuice(4) pic

If normal citizen kill a bad guy such as thief,terrorist or murderer is good

Yes, the Earth will be better

Side Score: 2

No,we are all people

Side Score: 3
1 point

if they are hurting you or someone else at the time. if they aren't necessarily doing anything of offense or requiring defensive action or if they just committed a crime against someone or something then no you have no right to kill them or hurt them.

Side: equal or indifferent passive
1 point

It is all very well to argue it is wrong to kill a person has committed an 'offense' as it violates hypocritical ideas such 'all life is sacred'.

When the fox kills the farmers chickens, the fox is shot when it is caught because it has committed an 'offense'.

When the tree damages a road, it is cut down.

These are reactions that happen because people have decided it is for the 'greater good'. For the price of one tree, many people can travel safely, for the price of one fox, many people will be fed.

Therefore i conclude that it is perfectly acceptable to kill a mugger or murderer. Under current justice, they will leave prison in a short time - IF they even go in, they will likely re-offend and cause further harm. They are a disgrace to humanity and should be killed without remorse.

A friend of mine was mugged and murdered. The people who did it showed no remorse. I would show none what-so-ever if i was in the reverse scenario. I would even be glad to help society.

Side: Yes, the Earth will be better
1 point

No one has the right to kill another person. It would be murder, under the law they are suppposed to have a trial by there peers and the government should take control after the trial with whatever the outcome.

Side: Murder is murder
1 point

Absolutely not. Just.. no. You can't murder someone, because they've done something wrong. It is unacceptable to kill someone, because you disagree with something they've done. As light or severe as the penalties of their doing may result in, we, as people, have no right to decide, who lives and dies. They have to live with what they've done, for the rest of their lives and they'll have mourning, angry people to remind them that they've done something wrong, also for the rest of their lives. All people, deserve a fair trial and right to justice. 'Vigilante' citizens aren't allowed to murder people, for that reason alone.

Side: No,we are all people

I don't believe in killing anyone. Killing is killing. It is wrong.

Side: No,we are all people