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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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brontoraptor(28599) pic

If the FBI couldn't convict Hillary or Nikolas Cruz, good luck getting Trump

Hillary was guilty dead to rights. The amount of evidence was beyond the pale. No FBI conviction.

The FBI was well aware of Nikolas Cruz. He had contact from law enforcement 40 times, and was on social media saying he wanted be a school shooter. The FBI itself was warned of the post and contacted many times. Nothing.

Trump? No evidence of anything. None. If the feckless FBI couldn't nail Hillary or Cruz with evidence galore, how do you suppose they can get Trump with nerry a grain of evidence of anything...


Side Score: 3


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1 point

Hillary was guilty dead to rights

Hi bronto.

As I understand it, the FBI's job is to investigate and recommend charges if they believe someone has done something illegal, rather than actually to convict anybody themselves. I was under the impression that a jury decides whether or not to convict, based on the evidence.

In any case, can you explain exactly which crimes you have convicted Hillary of?

Also, forgive me, but your post here seems to suggest that you accept Trump has committed treason. Is that the case? Or is it merely bad wording?

Finally, what do either Hillary or Cruz have to do with the matter of Trump's (alleged) collusion with the Russian state?


Side: disagree
1 point

As I understand it, the FBI's job is to investigate and recommend charges if they believe someone has done something illegal, rather than actually to convict anybody themselves. I was under the impression that a jury decides whether or not to convict, based on the evidence

A year and a few months in. Still waiting for them to recommend charges on Trump. Libs tell us he colluded. They have no evidence but believe it. They must be collusion theists, eh Nom?

Side: agree
1 point

In any case, can you explain exactly which crimes you have convicted Hillary of?

Nothing. Despite unsermountable evidence to the point that no one even denies that she had an illegal email server or that she destroyed devices requested by the FBI.

Also, forgive me, but your post here seems to suggest that you accept Trump has committed treason. Is that the case? Or is it merely bad wording?

Or I'm mocking libs because the FBI can't even seal an open and shut case, much less one with no evidence of any kind.

Finally, what do either Hillary or Cruz have to do with the matter of Trump's (alleged) collusion with the Russian state?

Ah. You've become one of those crazy people you tell us about who doesn't need evidence to believe...

Side: agree